Sunday 15 March 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Sequence of events and the joy of playtime!

This week has been a usual full week for Rocky and Rosie; they are enjoying the sunshine (like us all) and have been particularly bouncy. Words are inadequate for explaining how much fun our hounds have together or some of the funny idiosyncrasies they have. So I thought I would try and take some sequence pictures to give you an idea of why we enjoy our hounds so much. I hope you get as much pleasure from watching them have fun as we do ……..

As I have said before, we are lucky enough to have several fenced fields near us, so our hounds get time off the lead on a daily basis.

Time off lead has come to mean …….. PLAYTIME!

“Can’t catch me”!!

“Oh yes I can”.

I gave them a call to get them to move along a bit so that the walk wouldn’t take ALL day!
Silly me!

This resulted in a wall of death chase around the rim of the flood catcher …..

I love it when they pay attention!!

Rosie headed for me for a quick love and hug ……

Then …..

…. Straight back to get Rocky …..

“I’m gonna get you” …..

"caught you"!

Rocky is so happy to have playmates.

As we mooched along the field walking was constantly interrupted with hops, skips and bounces ……

…….. Liberally laced with face wrestling ……..

“Oh yes, there is such a thing in our house”!!
Plus ....... More bouncing!

One of the joys of all this play, for me, is that they are both happy to come when called for their leads to be put back on and a walk back home!

Tired Otterhounds!

Lounging on the sofa can become playtime at any time of day.

Rocky is busy trying to work out if what his “dad” is doing in the kitchen has any involvement with food …….

No Rocky, not this time!

“Play with me Rocky, come on”!

“Grrrr, Arrrh” and other doggy play noises!!

“Will you stop poking me in the eye when you paddy paw, Rosie”!

“Anyway, I want to stay snoozy”.

“Oh, you are boring today Rocky”.

“Hmmmmm, I know! Where’s the cat “? …….

It’s fun having two Otterhounds and although they have distinctly different personalities their ways are so similar …..

Sometimes it’s like Rosie is Rocky’s “mini-me”!!

See what I mean?

Otterhounds have such expressive faces; it is so easy to read their minds …..

“Hey up, what’s dad got in his hand”?

“Mum, help, he’s got the grooming comb” …….

“No”. “I don’t want too” ……

“Oh no, this is going to end badly”! ……

“Told you so ….. Now I have to put up with mum calling me BEAUTIFUL for a while”!!!!

“Life is so unfair”!!!

Mind you, all our animals seem easy to read …..

A cuddly snooze …

“Wait a minute what iz thizz”!

“Oh no, ze doggy, he haz done a bottom fluff”!!!

“Muzt remember to keep mez ed ze ozzer way”!!

A longer walk this week saw us back in the huge field on the downs.

And yes, it meant playtime!!

“Oooh what’s this Rocky”?

“It’s food for those pesky sheep when they are in here”.

“Come on Rocky, there’s more over there” ……..

“Ooh what does it taste like”?

“Look at me mum, I’m a sheep”!

“You’re not supposed to eat it dummy …. It tastes horrible”!

“Mum, Rocky’s right …. I don’t like it …. My mouth tastes funny now”!!

Rosie does seem to be a bit less knowledgeable than Rocky in some areas ….. But then Rocky is the food expert!!

“Ooh, what’s up the top of the field”?

“Hang on Rosie, I’m coming too ... Just checking out more smells”!

“Wait for me”!!

At the top of the hill I sat down for a minute to take in the view ……

Ever curious (incase he misses some food) Rocky wanted to know why I’d stopped!

“What you doing ...... What you got”?

Even though I had no food Rocky sat with me for a minute, just chilling and surveying the kingdom ….

He decided to exercise his scenting bones .....

“Ooh, so many lovely smells …… Any food”? ……

“Nope, no food …. Guess I’ll go and have fun instead”!

Meanwhile Rosie had moved on and was exploring.

“Rosie ….. I’m coming ……”

“I’ll just wait until he gets here ….. Then pounce like the bestest pouncer in the world”!!

There then followed a lot of playing, bouncing and face wrestling ……..

“I’m gonna get you ….”

“Phew, I’m tired ……..”

So now we move into the ground wrestling game …..

“I got you now ….!”

“Oh no you haven’t”!

“Charge …”

“A ground tackle …..”

More running?!!”

Eventually they seemed to run out of steam ….. A quiet moment before heading for home!

“Oooh, look Rocky …. Those sheep things …..”

“They don’t do much do they Rocky”?

“With their diet ........ would you”?

We have been having some lovely quiet evenings this week ……..

As two tired and happy Otterhounds catch up on some sleep …..

And our hero? ……

Well, he’s copying his “mini-me” ……

Night, night Rocky, sleep well and run and play in your dreams!

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