Saturday 7 March 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Otterhounds at Crufts where Rocky is "discovered"!!

This week started like any other for Rocky; daily walks continue alongside expeditions, playtimes, general mooching about and food. Rocky gets to play with Rosie and Mij every day and on Occasion meets up with his doggy friends, a happy life for a young Otterhound!

Rocky and Rosie had great excitement later in the week (as you can see from the title of this weeks blog), as a result, the blog will be a bit longer than usual. However, the commentary on the second part of the blog will be restricted in an effort to reduce the amount of time spent reading. Hopefully it will all result in an enjoyable feast of Otterhound doggyness!

This weeks expedition happened quite early in the week and saw Rocky showing Rosie the fun to be had at the old castle.

Rocky likes to do a bit of investigating on his own while Rosie does a quick “off the lead” charging about.

Being a teenager though, he has an instinct for finding trouble and breaking the rules!

So …… After a bit of persuading, we managed to get him back into the “dogs allowed” area and carry on with our walk!

Boys will be boys!!

Rocky soon settled down to playing with Rosie and with such a lovely large area to run in …… They just ran, and ran, and ran! Yippee!!

We then headed for an exploration of the ramparts …….. Well, WE did ……. Rocky and Rosie disappeared down the other side of the ramparts for an explore of their own.

Although having a great doggy time Rocky was happy enough to come when he was called ……..

However, progress on this front was interrupted by a spot of “bunny hole” investigating!

Rosie happily followed Rocky about but preferred to do her investigating from a bit of a distance ….. Still not sure what a “bunnies” is?!

With “daddy” in front we proceeded to head up to the ramparts again.

Rosie was happy to follow and soon caught up with “dad”.

Not too far behind, Rocky decided that there may be more interesting smells up where his “dad” was …… So he followed too.

The view from the top of the ramparts was lovely and our two hounds were spotted, several times, looking into the distance and exercising their scent bones in the general direction of the rest of the world!

A little further on saw a sheep gate blocking the path ……
“Ooooh Mum, dad …… Rocky wants to go past that thing" ….. ‘Says he can smell those sheep things”!!!
“Can we …… Pleeease”!

Rocky, of course, waited by the gate …….. Getting too grown up to keep coming back to us …… Just waited (almost patiently)!

“Do come along ……. I’ve been waiting here for ages …..”!!

Needless to say we stopped to watch the sheep on our way back to the car ….. And no, we didn’t bring one home!

Back home - and Rosie was still too excited to fall asleep immediately ….. She lay there quietly and thought about her day ….. Drifting off slowly into a happy sleep!

Our Hero?

Well he was practically unconscious when he hit his sofa …… The sleep of the innocent!?

“Come on mum, please get to the Crufts bit …….. So many lovely hounds to see …….. And Rosie and me had a job too!!!!

Ok, here we go ………………

Rocky and Rosie had an important job to do! They were both in “Discover Dogs” at Crufts, where members of the public (and show dog owners) get to see and talk about just about all the breeds of dog.

We had a lovely booth and Rocky and Rosie’s job was to greet visitors and let them see and interact with Otterhounds. We could answer any questions, promote the breed and let people know what wonderful family pets they were.

Thanks to their hard work we were also able to dispel any myths as well. For instance, some people were under the impression that they needed a big house to live in ………. No, Rocky and Rosie live with us in a small semi ……. We just enjoy walking!!

A big thank you goes to Sue (who helped out with our Discover Dogs), she very kindly gave us time to go to the show hall to get some photo’s of all the wonderful Otterhounds there. Showing is another important aspect of promoting the breed so it was wonderful to see so many there.

Apologies to any who’s photos are not here – the light was very poor so I have chosen those photos that have come out the best ……. However, there are a fair few photographs and a real treat for all dog lovers ……….. There will be little commentary ……. So just enjoy these wonderful dogs ………..

A tender moment while waiting for their turn to show.

A face anyone could love.

Best not to waste too much energy, there's a long day ahead.

Otterhounds seem to find enjoyment in everything they do, they have such a happy disposition!

It doesn’t matter who you are, they are always happy to meet a new face ….. So no, they don’t make good guard dogs!!

The patience of these dogs is amazing ….. They seem un-phased by anything!

Rocky says it’s a good job I am not a judge …… everyone would get first ……. Just for showing up and being gorgeous …… He’s right of course!!

These guys were close by and as I was getting high on beautiful faces ……. I couldn’t resist a photo of this handsome pair!

But back to scrummy Otterhounds …..

I find it hard to resist having a cuddle with an Otterhound …… They are just too much like cuddly teddy bears!

I do think I am onto a money spinner here though …. Otterhounds do make wonderful bookends!?

Again with the teddy bears!!!!!

And tell me …… Are you happy to be here?!

I don't know about you ......... But I really enjoyed that!!

At this point I had to head back to help Rocky with his PR work and was able to take only a few moments for any ring activity. So the following are just a snapshot of the judging at Crufts, and apologies for the huge amount I am unable to show!

The following are in no particular order ….

Even during the judging, there is always time for a tender moment with your hound.

I think they were all beautiful; it must have been very hard to judge …. But luckily (for all, I should imagine) it wasn’t down to me. A huge well done to all the entrants and winners!

There were many more categories yet to be judged but it was back to help Rocky and Rosie for me.

Rocky and Rosie drew people in to "discover" them all day and we met so many people who wanted an Otterhound that I find it difficult to understand why they are so endangered!? My advice ……. If you think you may like one ……. Visit a breeder, talk to them and meet their hounds …… If you make the decision that an Otterhound is for you ……. It will be one decision you will not regret!

Anyway, some of Rocky’s friends came to say hello throughout the course of the day as well …… Which Pleased Rocky no end …….

Rocky’s brother, Morse, came to see him too and showed the rosette he had won. Rocky and Rosie were well impressed …….Well done Morse!

“Mum, can I play with Morse ….Please mum …..please”!

How could I say no?

They were, as always, so very happy to see each other.

So, while Rosie went to powder her nose …… The two boys played.

This activity attracted quite a few people and gave more opportunity for PR ….. Yes, they can be boisterous when playing, but look how gentle they are with each other …… No, I have found no dominant behaviour with Rocky when he is playing with any dog ….. They are gentle giants …etc!

Rocky and Rosie had been busy all day, meeting people and showing them how wonderful Otterhounds are. At the end of the day they were quite tired and had been well and truly "discovered".

But, even sleepy, they attracted people. This young lady was so taken she just had to get in with them for a love …… You will never be disappointed on that score with an Otterhound!

And finally ……

After waking at 4.30 am and getting home at 9.30 pm Rocky and Rosie were very tired. Well done Rocky and Rosie it was such a long day but you have done a great job! It is someone else’s turn tomorrow so you can rest now.

Rosie had been happily fussed all day and enjoyed every minute of it …… But was one exhausted teddy!

And Rocky?

Well Rocky felt much the same ........ He had had a wonderful day and never tired of meeting people ……

So, night night Rocky, sleep well and dream of the next big "discovery"!

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