Sunday 1 March 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Finally ……. Rocky goes to Hollywood (well nearly)!!

This week has been an exciting week for Rocky and Rosie, there have been plenty of fun and games and everybody has been loving and playful; it must be the hint of spring on the horizon.

……… And the week has ended with Rocky’s acting debut!

Rocky has enjoyed cuddles from Rosie …….

……… He has practiced his cartoon dog impressions ……

……. And had full on fun with Rosie!

Although play looks a bit frantic and rough it is fun for our two Otterhounds ……… It’s just how they like it ……. Boisterous!

“I’ve got you now Rocky, there is no escape”!

Play is never one sided with these two …….. So there is no hint of one dominating the other …….

“Oh no you haven’t; I’ve got you Rosie”!

They are amiable Otterhounds; so everyone wins!!

They have their quiet times ………

But eventually one or other of them will start a game off ……..

“I want to play Rocky ….. Pleeease”!!

Mij has learnt to take advantage of their playtimes …….

She carefully checks that they are fully involved …….

“He he ….. Zee Doggy tingz, they are playing …… They will not zee me”!!

…… Then dives into their toy box to find that special toy that she had her eye on ……. This promptly disappears upstairs with her!!?

“Hey, what was that Rocky”?

“I don’t know Rosie …… It was too quick”!!

Sometimes (in the middle of a quiet time) Mij will trot downstairs, across the living room and up onto the table for a laze in the sun ……

If the mood takes them they will take it in turns to invite Mij to join them in a game.

“Hi Mij, wanna play chase or wrestling”?

Mij will often move to the edge of the table to talk with Rosie (Rosie isn’t big enough yet to rest her chin on it, like Rocky)!

One of Rosie’s favourite games still seems to be kleptomanic ……….

……………. No wonder we couldn’t find our shoes

…………… Or the door stop?!

Our Hounds have enjoyed the games in the Jurassic Mud Pit (the weather has been dry so they couldn’t get too muddy)?!

And if he catches the sun; Rocky likes to just watch Rosie play while he soaks up some rays.

This week Rocky has had the chance to introduce Rosie to the delights of the Water -Meadows.

He has pointed out the favourite scenting areas.

Led the way to a favoured viewing point.

And encouraged her to enjoy all the sights and sounds

“Hey dad, I can see sheep things”!!

“Look Rosie, see those white things over there …. They are called sheep”.

“What do they do Rocky”?

“Nothing, they just make the place look untidy”.

Rocky likes to show off his knowledge of the world!!!

Then it was back to exercising their scenting bones.

A bit further on and we were behind the local park, Rocky could hear something ……
It was children playing ……..

Rocky really likes little people ……. So he ran to get a better look.

He just sits or stands and watches them …… He seems to get a lot of pleasure out of it!

A bit further on and we were nearer to the sheep.

“They look like they could be fun Rocky”!

“Dad, Rosie likes the sheep things …… Can we take one home for her”?

“No, there is no more room on our sofas”!!!!

That night they both slept like logs!!

The weather remained dry so Rocky and Rosie had plenty of fun in the fields.

They took time out to share a few jokes …..

Indulged in synchronised scenting ……

…… A lot!!!

And generally had a good time!

“Hey ….. What you doing down there”??

“What ARE you doing down there”??

“Oh no, I just got my picture taken again”!!

Needless to say, Rosie did more log impressions that night.

And Rocky? Well after a bit of position manoeuvring …..

…… He impersonated a log too!!

Rocky had visitors again this week …… Ones that brought their own food too!!

The complete entertainment package for our brood!!!!!

And Finally ……..

Rocky gets changed for his acting debut!

For some time now, the training club that Rocky attends has been practising for a pantomime. It is called “Snow White and the Seven Woofs” and is advertised as ……. A story which roughly follows the traditional Snow White tale but with added legs! Club members and their dogs are all players, it is a wonderful group of people to be involved with as the performance is only one way that they are raising money for local charity. .

Rocky and his “dad” play the town crier and I have a few photographs, to show how well they (like all involved) did. Please excuse the varying quality of the photos, we were right at the back in order to get a vantage point for the camera …. So some aren’t so good.

So, this is Rocky’s costume …… Doesn’t he look handsome?!

And this is him with his “dad” in costume too.

Well …….. Rocky still looks handsome!!

Our hero’s are called to see the king.

They are given an important message to take to the villagers ….

Rocky has another scroll to carry ….

They set off for the village …….

At the village, the villagers are called to attention …..

The invitation to enter a dog training competition is read out ….

The scroll is returned ….

And our hero’s exit stage right.

Our new actors are involved in some more crowd scenes and the training display later in the pantomime and I think they did brilliantly. In fact everyone was brilliant, the costumes, story line and acting were excellent and the audience seemed to lap it up. So congratulations to you all, I look forward to hearing how much you have raised.

And what did our hero do after the show ……

……… That’s right ………

Night night Rocky, dream of your Hollywood debut!!!

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