Sunday 9 November 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Variety is the spice of life.

I had hoped to show you how well Rocky has done this year with the fireworks; but due to one arm holding onto our visitor and the other holding on to Rocky I was unable to take any photo’s. So I will just let you know that all the time spent last year on socialising him with fireworks has paid off in spades! Even though he was only 4 months old when he last encountered them he, never batted an eyelid at them this year. He even walked within 10 feet of a lit Roman Candle and didn’t even notice - he was too busy exercising his scenting bones!! Well done Rocky, you are brave really!!

Anyway, Rocky has had a full and interesting week this week, both before and after our visitor left us. The weather has been in turn warm and wet through cold and damp to cold, stormy and wet; but it doesn’t seem to matter to our hero what the weather is doing. Fun is there to be had and Rocky will always take full advantage of this.

At the beginning of the week “dad” took Rocky for a walk with some friends …………. Lots of friends!

Needless to say Rocky had the time of his life, especially when he and a few other youngsters decided to romp and charge about in an open field! What fun he has with his friends ……… Gives him plenty to dream about too!!

They went up hill and down dale, in open fields and leafy lanes. What a super way to spend your time!

In the evenings Rocky likes to have a game with his family. One of his favourite toys is his big Marmalade Cat that he got from the dogs home fun day. Notice how Rocky lets you know he wants to play ……… Pick up toy – thrust it into the nearest person!! Due to his height this generally seems to end up in the groin area, but Rocky doesn’t mind?!!

Occasionally he will pick a toy from his toy box and stand there in an attempt to look adorably cute – this is his “make them feel guilty and they’ll play” approach!

Mind you, once you have felt guilty and start to play he does reward you with the most gracious of smiles ………. Makes it all worthwhile!!

As part of playtime and not forgetting Rocky’s history of good impressions ………. This is his attempt at a cartoon dog!! Honest there is no touch up to the photo!!

Just in case you don’t see the cartoonishness (?) Take a closer look!! I think this is his best attempt yet, don't you? Well done Rocky!!

This week has seen Rocky become fond of his basket again ………. Don’t know why, just another phase I guess. However, he does little on his own at home now and his sidekick Mij just had to join in. Not a problem for Rocky at all, in fact he kinda likes it!

However, when he moves his feet little Mij takes it as an open invitation to play and, sinking her little teeth into his foot, tends to disturb his sleep somewhat! Still there is a good and a bad side to nearly everything Rocky!!

Due to the fact that the clocks have gone back recently, it now gets dark very early in the evening. So when possible we like to take Rocky for a walk in the daylight, especially with the late autumn sunshine we have had.

Rocky loves to keep an eye on what is happening in his neighbourhood. Occasionally he is so content he will even pose for a nice photo. As opposed to his usual teenage grudingness (?) of “well, you can have a photo but I’m not going to make it easy for you”!

Back home he will keep himself occupied doing things he likes to do. Things such as chewing a rawhide chew to within an inch of its life! Luverly!!

But when the feeling overcomes a young Otterhound there is nothing else you can do ……… you just have to curl up, all comfy like, in your bed and consider a jolly good nap!
GOING ……….

GOING ………..


As I said earlier it gets dark very early these days and sometimes there is nothing else for it but to have your late afternoon walk in the dark. But thankfully, due to my “stealth night vision digital camera”, we can still see what our hero gets up to!

Well OK, it’s not really a “stealth night vision digital camera” – it’s just an ordinary one. But luckily, my pointing it somewhere in the approximate direction of where I think Rocky is, has managed to capture what he was doing.

You see, much as we may dislike the new estate they are building on the downs, the planners have managed to include a nice fenced off area where you can exercise your dogs safely. So …… if you can’t beat them and all that.

Rocky quite likes this area as he can trot about and exercise his scenting bones!!

This pose, ladies and gentlemen, means he has noticed another dog approaching. I don’t think it is an Otterhound thing. This is something he picked up during the summer, after several meetings with various Border Collies in the area. Rocky seems to think it a good idea and is convinced that as he is low down no one can see this hulking great dog -So he can jump out and go “Boo” when they get close!! Most of the local dogs and owners know him and find it rather amusing – but we don’t tell Rocky!!

You can just make out; through the magic of my newly named “stealth night vision digital camera”, that Rocky had a lovely run and play with a white Boxer dog this particular evening. What a bouncy Otterhound!

Rocky’s big expedition this week was to the cold, wet, late autumn plain. Our visitor had departed and he could now have walks again on his beloved plain.

Near the beginning of his walk he met up with a new pal and had a little game.

When his friend went, Rocky looked to “mum and dad” for the all clear to run free and have a great run. Off you go Rocky!!

After a brief mad fit he fell in close to us and enjoyed the sights and smells of the plain!

And boy wasn’t there excitement from his scent bones!! Sooo many yummy smells!
He sniffed his way through short grass ………

He sniffed his way through long grass ………

He sniffed his way around corners and into hedges; bouncing all the way!!

He ventured further from us then sniffed close by again ………

He waded and drank in small puddles ………

He waded and drank in big puddles ………

He ran into the woods intent on a scent he had picked up ……. Yummy yummy yummy ……….. We waited for his return ............ and return he did!

Then it was time to go back to the car with our newly Velcro’d Otterhound! So many grass seeds and burrs! What fun he had. This was a happily tired pup who just grinned all the way home!

And what did he do when he got home?

That’s right ……….

Night night Rocky sleep well.

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