Sunday 23 November 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: How to experience a manipulated mad fit!

Please don't be put off by the size of this weeks blog - some of the photgraphs included are intended for quick viewing only - in an attempt to allow you to experience a "mad fit"; so to speak! So I am hoping that reading the blog will take no longer than usual.

This week saw a very busy schedule for our hero. Rocky has had so many things to do and all of them things he likes. We have seen him sleep so soundly that a playful whack on the nose from Mij has not even registered …….. Such a happily tired Otterhound!

Rocky’s week started with a lovely walk and play with some friends.

There was plenty of room to romp around and have fun ………. So that is what they did!

With Rocky being Rocky of course, the romp turned into a joyful tear around and bouncing session ……….

What a bouncy Otterhound!

Of course the fun and games don’t stop when he gets home. Rocky just has to walk around the house to get dragged into a game of “ambush your playmate”.

“Eh, what was that”?

“Are you in there you crafty creature”?

“Come out so I can play with you properly”!!!

However, one of Mij’s favourite games is “the sneaky paw attack” ………

………….. Which Rocky has learned to join in with quite happily!!!

If things become a little quiet in the house and our hero wants a game he has another strategy for ensuring fun is had by all (well, mostly him really)!

This is known as a “PING”!

A “ping” is when a playful Otterhound (well, ours at least) decides to take all four paws off the ground at one time while launching himself in an upwards direction!

The "ping" results in the surprise attack of an almost fully grown Otterhound landing on top of you without any fore warning ………. And usually with a huge grin on its face!!

It is a very funny thing to see and there is no way you can prepare yourself to receive this as it all happens so quickly!!

The “ping” invariably ends up as a game of free for all – as you bravely try to free yourself from under him and he doggedly tries to dissuade you!! Great laugh! But a dirty trick!

Another endearing trait (?) Rocky has, is to utilise our coffee table as a handy place to put his toys while he decides how to play with them.

The entrails (stuffing) of one of his toys is placed delicately on the table, he turns to look at you. It is at this point you have to ask him “what are you going to do with that”?

After careful consideration Rocky decides to use it to develop his “father Christmas” disguise for his next impression!

More often though, the placing of toys on the coffee table is a precursor to him expecting you to hold it for him.

This enables him to get a good enough grip to start (or end) the destruction of that particular piece of play equipment! He’s smarter than he looks you know!!

This week also saw a few trips to “the big field”! This first one showed us how to manipulate Rocky into wearing himself out having fun ……….

“The manipulated mad fit” goes something like this!!

First lull your Otterhound into a false sense of security by acting as though it is a normal walk!

Let his scenting bones have some exercise ……….

Generally let him do his own thing ………

Call him to you every now and then so he feels that nothing is afoot!!!!! ………

Then when he is completely taken in ………… Call him to you again!

As he approaches act as if nothing much is on your mind ……… (Easy for me)!

Then …… point a finger at your Otterhound while forcefully saying “NO”!!

Don’t ask us why ………. But this immediately and successfully sends a huge grin across his chops and he goes into full blown mad fit and bounciness!!

I don’t think he takes us seriously …… do you?

If you have the energy to chase him around he relents slightly letting you join in a game of bouncing - and a good time is had by all!

To round off the day’s events a good game with a stick on the way home is appreciated!

Also this week, Rocky has had a bone-fest marathon! Totally dedicated he was …….

Gave him the bone in early afternoon ……….

And left him to it …….. For hours ………. And hours ……… And hours!!

Rocky was so tired when he had finally finished his bone that he came in, crept up on his sofa and collapsed ………. He didn’t even notice Mij snuggling up to him!

Just as he seemed to decide to stop the struggle to keep his eyes open, he noticed Mij. Then, like a real gentleman, he pushed hard with his back feet to make sure she had enough room before he dozed off!

Then our hero fell fast asleep!

Another trip to “the big field” this week saw yet another mad fit ……….
These are so funny and so frantic that I thought you might like to get an idea of what one looks like ……….

So the next few photo’s will not have any commentary on and some may be a bit blurred (well he moves so fast)! So enjoy! ……..

I don’t know about Rocky, but I feel exhausted after that!

Finally, a picture of what he looks like when he has finally run out of steam!!

One happy and utterly mad Otterhound!

A good exercising like that deserves a jolly good meal.

Rocky used to eat sitting down when he was a small pup – don’t ask me why but he has started again ……… cute though!!

Finally this week, Rocky’s expedition saw us go very “off road” in order to broaden Rocky’s experience of the plain!

It was a very cold windy day but the winter sun was shining through so none of us minded the temperature.

Rocky didn’t mind the cold wind ……… in fact he thinks it makes him look quite fetching!

No matter which direction it comes from.

Rocky and his “dad” headed off into the wilds ………

A pause to take in the beautiful scenery ………..

Then it’s off for an explore!

Through the many woods ..........

And out to the grassy plain …….

We went all over and had a jolly good walk, or in Rocky’s case a jolly good trot.

Heading back towards the truck we noticed the bad weather creeping up behind us, so we thought we would call it a day.

Rocky was happy enough to go home, he had had a wonderful walk.

As “mum and dad” took their wellies off, our hero waited patiently to get into the truck.

What was Rocky’s first priority on his return home that evening ……..

Of Course ………..

Night night Rocky, sleep well!

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