Sunday 16 November 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: These are a few of my favourite things!

What makes a young Otterhound happy? How can you turn your own work/home life into an ever changing, interesting life for your young hound? Well, as you get to know your Otterhound you find out what he likes, each hound will of course be an individual but there will be some things they all enjoy.

Over the past 14 months we have seen Rocky’s interests change and grow alongside his own development. He loves to learn new things (especially if treats are involved in the training), he likes to see new places and new people (and their pets), he loves to bounce and play; in fact he likes lots of things. One of his all time faourites is food!! Any food really but it is especially delicious (apparently) if it is yours – in this I don’t think Otterhounds are much different to other dogs.

This week has seen Rocky doing some of his favourite things - and here they are:-

SLEEP– definitely one of his favourite pastimes!

If you have a friend to curl up with it’s even better. Yes, Rocky’s newest best friend is there somewhere!

There she is ……… Little Mij is as patient as Rocky is and will put up with most things ………. Even a cheesy foot in her face while sleeping! Now that’s what I call friendship!

We have had the broadest spectrum of weather this week; including storms, warm wet and dull and occasionally really cold but bright (our favourite). So in order not to miss the sunshine Rocky and I set off for the nearest walk!

Rocky is EXPLORING the route with his scenting bones – just in case there is something there that mustn’t be missed!

There you see; if he hadn’t been paying attention with his nose he might have missed this opportunity to stick his head deep into the undergrowth and collect grass seeds and sticky burrs!
Well done Rocky!? Sigh! More grooming ahead!

Now, while Rocky may have given up bringing things back if you throw them (he’s not a retriever which can make playtime a bit one sided!); he still loves to chase a ball. So a good throwing arm is needed – Unfortunately Rocky has me! Still he does get a bit of a run out of it.

Having cornered the ball he then proceeds to get sidetracked by another interesting smell. S0 it's down to me to go and fetch the ball!

However, once his scent bones have been well and truly tickled Rocky does like to have A GAME WITH THE BALL.
The game mainly consists of me throwing the ball, Rocky chasing it and catching it ……..Then he trots off with it!

Rocky will then start teasing me (trying to get me to chase him) ………. “Come and get it if you think you’re fast enough”!

So I chase him for a while ………. Then knowing I’m not up to much of that ………

Rocky will sit and wait for me ………. “Come on then mum, give me A TREAT and I’ll let you throw it for me again”!

And I do and he does!

See, you can play ball with an Otterhound! You just have to do it his way!!!!

As mentioned before, “dad” really likes TV DINNERS …. And so does Rocky!
Rocky has really got the hang of begging (not to be encouraged but it is quite cute), however we do insist he sits down instead of looming over you!
Here is a perfect example of an Otterhound pose when told to sit! Rocky will do what he's told; but with the smallest possible exertion!! Looks comfy though, doesn't he?

Although Rocky didn’t win any food, “dad” did relent and share a beer with his favourite hound.

Rocky’s SOFA is another of his favourite things.
A recent conversation with a neighbour had them complaining that thier old dog finds it hard to get onto the sofa; ....We were complaining that our young dog finds it hard to get off the sofa!!
Anyway, during the day it mostly belongs to him but since Mij has arrived evenings appear to be a little different!

They will both wriggle and change positions slightly.

But, when Rocky feels the need to stretch out he is in a bit of a quandary!
“Oh rats she’s still here and she’s still asleep”!

“What do I do now”?

“I’ve waited but she still hasn’t woken up ……….. Do I just stretch out”?
"Should I just ignore her and do it anyway"?

I guess this proves that MIJ is one of Rocky’s favourite things too!!

Some of Rocky’s favourite PEOPLE popped in this week. Rocky wanted to check out the new haircut and get a much loved kiss as well.

As someone was using “HIS” sofa that evening he decided to try and find his mate to play with. “OK guys what have you done with Mij”?

“There she is …. Oh she’s asleep ...... Again"?!
I can’t wait until she grows up and sleeps as little as me”!

He’s got to be kidding, right?

For this weeks expedition Rocky went along one of the nearby byways. For some of the way it runs a little closer to a road than we would like, so he has to stay on the lead. But a lead is no barrier to an Otterhound intent on having FUN!

“I say this place is tickling my scenting bones like ….. a lot”! And as we have noticed, DIGGING is definitely one of his favourite things!!

"I smell bunnies"!!

“Hello ….. Is there anybody there”?

“Can I stay and PLAY a while ……. Pleeeeease”?

A little digging then it’s time to check how he’s doing ………

“Hello, is there anyone down there? Do you want to come out and play”?

By now his scenting bones are really jiggling, so he dug some more …..

And some more ……….

“I say, hello…. Do come out and play”!

“I don’t understand it ….. It smells like somebody is at home”?

“Now look chaps, I know I’m having fun but it would be nice to meet you too!!

“Still no answer, maybe there isn’t anyone at home”! Still, this is kinda fun and I can GET ALL MUDDY too”!!!!

Eventually Rocky grew tired of this game and we walked on!
We came to a new field …… “Ooh, look …. Funny woolly things”!

We carried on to the end of our WALK ….. A huge (fenced) open field in the middle of the countryside. Lovely!

“This is new”!?

“Yummy new smells ….. This is going to be good”.

Rocky sniffed here and he sniffed there and he sniffed just about everywhere!
He was bouncy quite a bit too!

“Ok that’s the exploring done … Now to get down to the serious business of having FUN”!!!!!

Rocky then turned into the bounciest Otterhound ever!!
Rocky loves BOUNCING!
Sheer delight!!!

These are only a few of Rocky’s favourite things. I say this because to be honest I really think that this good natured and fun hound tends to love whatever he is doing at the time. Which I think you’ll agree is the best way to enjoy your life anyway!

And what did our hero do on his return home?

That’s right, one of his favourite things ever ……..

Night night Rocky, sleep well!!

DISCLAIMER: No bunnies were harmed in the making of this blog!

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