Sunday 4 November 2007

Rocky the Otterhound: Contrariness and Mr Fawkes

Rocky has had another eventful week. After spending most of last week sleeping and growing, he began this week with exuberant energy which manifested itself in considerable mad playing fits and much barking of challenges to "Come and Get Me"!

Yes, we have had a hyper-playfull dog that has trashed the place with chewed up toys, plastic bottles and cardboard. Mind you, we have had to bandage our sides as a consequence of them splitting from so much laughter!!
If you can imagine a pup his size (still not quite able to control all four legs at the same time), trying to reach light speed whilst going round and round the coffee table and ALWAYS ending up in a heap on the floor wondering how that happened?!!!!

You see, Otterhounds are like kids with expensive new shoes - you are always telling them to pick thier feet up and stop scuffing them along the ground, but Otterhounds will never stop - it's what they do. Consequently, light speed inevitably leads to the body outrunning the legs, while the feet barely lifting off the ground produces a cause and effect syndrome ....................... the result is a meeting of Otterhound with ground - combined with an inability to give sympathy due to the tears of laughter running down your face!! I'm worn out!!

Do you remember the blog about how much of a poser Rocky is? Even if he does request some help from his friends ......................................

Well, it does appear that contrariness is not the sole privilege of small children. Both Rocky and the cat have decided that they will totally change thier behaviour (dammitt!). If I'd known they would both be reading this, I would have been more careful about what I included!!

Alongside turning into a canine dynamo, Rocky has suddenly decided to become camera shy!!!

Pointing the camera in his general direction, expecting a sudden "Canine Catalogue Model" pose to issue forth; I was thwarted by an instant and incomprehensible change of position - he produced a "run and hide" pose??!! Ok thinks I, let him sniff the camera, give lots of fuss and reassurance and we'll get down to business as usual ................. Nope, little toady has decided that this is the modus operandi for the moment! I say for the moment, as I'm hopeful that after reading this weeks blog Rocky will decide that he looks much better when able to undertake his catalogue model pose of choice.

The cat meantime, has chosen to accompany us in the living room (yes, she's downstairs!!!!!) most evenings!!!! I could have guessed a cat would try and show you up! I have a feeling Mr Fawkes had a little hand in it, around here people seem to have started celebrations (Guy Fawkes NIGHT?! Lots of fireworks and things) about Wednesday last week, and will probably continue until Tuesday of this. Biskitt (being a cat of well camoflaged bravery) has therefore decided that downstairs, with company, is the place to be when things are whizzing and banging outside your window.

Rocky has "appeared" to have learned not to investigate this round, strange smelling, member of the pack; in order to avoid a hissing fit combined with a bop on the nose. However, he does participate in the doggy sport of approaching whilst stolidly looking at something else - and taking sneaky peeps at the cat out of the sides of his eyes. With this rouse he can get quite close to his nemisis, yet is still far enough away to avoid the lashing of the "paw with sheathed claws"!! I told you Otterhounds were problem solvers ............................. I am awaiting, with baited breath, to see how he solves the problem of how to get the "Hissy Thing" to actually play with him?!

Another thing to thank Mr Fawkes for is the opportunity he has given us to try and socialise Rocky with lots of whizzy and bangy noises. He has his post teatime walk around 5.30 (ish) and, due to the proverbial changing of the clock syndrome, that we suffer from in this part of the world, it is generally quite dark by then. So of course since Wednesday last week we have been walking whilst enjoying other peoples firework displays. Rocky did begin his exposure with a few startled turns and several cuddlings of my legs, but after reassurance and fusses has settled to gentle disdain of all noisy fireworks. Well, I say all, he does still get confused by those ones that go up with a bang and then sizzle out lots of small lights (if you know what I mean?). Apart from that I can honestly say he seems easy to socialise with all sorts of things!

Rocky is also the least destructive puppy I have ever known! Sure he will destroy favourite toys like his flower pot (memo to self - find another flower pot), but he hasn't touched any furniture or furnishings. Shame, I was hoping for at least a new dining table and chair set out of him (I wonder which way he will act after reading this - to fulfill my wish or thwart me?)!!

To conclude; in desperation I tried to reignite his passion for modeling yesterday, by giving him something from the catalogue to model for me ..........................

In true contrary fashion he did decide to pose ............... but with his back to me ............................... the ultimate insult!!

Maybe he's just holding out for David Bailey?!!

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