Sunday, 11 November 2007

Rocky the Otterhound: Autumn in England

Autumn mornings are dark and dreary; Otterhounds have a propensity to become couch potatoes as it is, add in dark mornings and this picture shows what you get from Rocky at 7 am! This is he, excited about having breakfast and going for a morning walk??!!
Unlike other dogs we have known we have to show manic enthusiasm over morning food and "walkies" to even get his attention. Picture us jumping up and down saying "walkies" in highly excitable high voices (for a few minutes! ........ Yes, minutes!!) - eventually we are rewarded with a yawny look of tired wisdom that illustrates a "dear dear, poor things" frame of mind. I am beginning to wonder if he is here to help keep us fit or we are needed to keep him fit??

Still, it does result in a relaxed atmosphere in the mornings, you never get the feeling that you need to rush!

Autumn is almost over in this part of the world, the leaves have almost all hit the ground resulting in times when you are ankle deep in the things. Occasional high winds kick them up into a whirling frenzy ............................ this is the time you see real enthusiasm from Rocky. He will somehow pick out one single leaf from the hundreds swirling around, he then single mindedly runs around trying to capture the object of his attention. How he decides is anybodys guess but no other will do and fraudulent attempts to persuade him that the leaf you hold is his one will be met with nonchalant disdain. He always seems to get the one he wants (generally one with prickles on), my living room is sometimes a post modern arty display of the miriad colours of autumn. He gets great pleasure from paddy pawing them, picking them up and running around the room with them. Then, as suddenly as the mood took him to pick and play with his leaf, it is forgotten and left for the housekeeper (me) to clear up. I wonder if I could eventually train him to make collages (?), he could possibly make us both a fortune?

I don't want you to get the idea that Rocky only ever sleeps or chases leaves, far from it ........................... have a cup of tea and a biscuit and you have his undying and complete attention! This is the time that you have got him where you want him. It is where food is involved that Rocky appears to learn the quickest ............... he will now give you his paw on demand, will sit up and beg (we didn't teach him that one - I think he thought he would get his treat quicker if he looked real cute!), will even stay when let off the lead in a safe place .................... and the piece De Resistance ...................... he will walk off the lead and come when he is called!!!! Da Daaa !!!
I must clarify the last statment however, in that this has only happened in a secure place with no other distractions, but, I'm dead chuffed with it! He is still very young and I have no intention of trying it anywhere else at them moment, but treats and loads of fusses does work wonders. I am hopefull that by the time he is 18 months or so we can work on this particular behaviour with full attention.
We have had some cold but beautifully sunny days this autumn and Rocky has had new places to visit as a result. He has been taken down to the river walk and introduced to sheep. He was remarkably unmoved by sheep actually, he sat and watched them for some time (a thing he does very often, sitting and watching that is), then walked on as if they didn't even exist. I am not a dog psychologist or whisperer, or whatever, but he does make you think that he is a deep thinker ............... probably find that he is just thinking about bedtime though! A couple of times I did get quite close to one or two of them and tried to generate interest from Rocky but sheep are obviously not his thing, as although being within spitting distance Rocky was oblivious!
As always though, passers by had to stop and fuss him, all asking what breed he was. I have run out of fingers to count the amount of times couples have walked away from him with one or other saying to thier partner ......... "I want one"! Yet we are the lucky ones.
I remember Rocky's breeder saying that she thinks Otterhounds are one of Britains best kept secrets, I do agree as I don't think you can ever meet one without appreciating what they could add to your life!!
Anyway, futher on in our walk we went down to the rivers edge. Otterhounds / water = a match made in heaven you may think? Well, Rocky was interested in the ducks and the swans and the herons but water ............. NO! Throw sticks or stones in the water and you are met with a look of "what on earth are doing that for ..... Silly"! Hubby even tried the "gentle push from the back while making excited noises" trick, all to no avail ............. so, being a man and therefore not to be beaten .............. he picked him up and getly placed him (ankle deep) in the wet stuff! I can honestly say that I have never seen Rocky move so fast ......... he was out of there like a shot and up as close to the nearest tree trunk as he could get. You almost got the feeling that if you had tried to get near enough to him to try again, he would have thrown his front paws around the tree and held on for dear life!!
After a short discussion, it was decided to try again in the spring when the water was a little warmer. In the mean time we would make efforts to talk to him about why he was born with webbed feet!!

Otterhounds love people, as I'm sure I've told you before; they are renowned for prefering to greet a loved one by standing on thier back feet with paws on your shoulder and giving a big sloppy kiss. Well at 4 months old Rocky can't quite reach that high, but it doesn't stop him trying. Hubby can't wait for that time and takes delight in measuring how far Rocky reaches, this week. I must say I'm impressed, but being that bit shorter than my man am expecting Rocky to be able to pat me on the top of my head when he's full grown, just like my kids do!

Things are moving on a pace between Rocky and the cat ................. not a fast pace but a pace none the less!
On the whole they will ignore each other when in the same room, although you can tell Rocky is desperate to play with her. He is a cuddly sort of dog who loves a lap to lounge on and, surprisingly, so does the cat. When Biskitt is on my lap you can usually do almost anything with her and she'll put up with it gladly; Rocky seems to have worked that one out and so takes liberties when the chance presents itself.

Out of character, but Rocky didn't recieve a hissy fit with nose swipe for this infringement, maybe there is hope yet!

Lastly for this week, I have seen animals perform and am aware that they like us have many talents. Some help disabled people, some find victims of natural disasters and some have guarding or law enforcement skills! Rocky, I think, is an entertainer! He not only makes us laugh a lot but has branched out towards mimicry. Last week while playing with his catalogue T shirt he got himself in a bit of a pickle ................ then, while trying to pull various corners of fabric ended up in a worse mess ..................... but I think you'll agree he's done a very good impression of ......................................... Mother Teresa!!

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