Saturday 30 May 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Take Three Otterhounds ........

How d0 you put together the perfect afternoon walk?

Well, first of all "take three Otterhounds" ....... (We were so lucky as Oscar and his owners came down to spend some hours with Rocky and Rosie) ....... Mix in a wonderfully sunny day and the fresh green and beautiful colour of early summer blooms ......... Then ensure a pub at either end of the walk .......

Start in a beer garden ...... Walk to another beer garden for lunch ....... Then walk back to the first beer garden!! Fantastic!!!

But most importantly; enjoy the sight of three beautiful Otterhounds having a wonderful time

Oscar and Rosie having fun while we partake of a beer!

Rocky is first in line for the yummy crisps!

Oscar, as gentle as Rocky and Rosie, enjoys one too!

Last but not least, little Rosie gets her treat!

Oscar limbers up for the coming pub crawl.

A quick pose before setting off ......

Immediately the "three musketeers" meet the first of many new fiends.

Oscar realises that we are having a lovely walk along the canal ....... Oooh! Water!!!

Rocky and Rosie experience extreme confusion!??????

In a flash, Oscar is enjoying a quick dip!

Rocky ad Rosie ignore this behaviour and ignore their confusion .......

"He's a guest but perhaps a little eccentric"!

However, a little further along .......

....... "Hang on Oscar, don't go any further; that's stuff wet you know"?!

Acquiescing to his hosts; Oscar, Rocky and Rosie enjoy the sights and smells of a glorious summer walk.

Getting a little too close Rocky experiences a "slip and dip"! While Rosie has a good giggle to herself Rocky climbs out hoping no one has noticed!!!

"Yuk! It's wet"!!!

Onwards through the gorgeous countryside, experiencing the joys of being alive on a day like today .........

Rocky and Rosie prefer to keep cool by drinking, so Rocky happily takes on the job of water monitor.

Oscar and Rocky, the two new friends, enjoy each others company.

"What's this"???" Oh No ...... Help someone; Oscar seems to have voluntarily got very wet indeed"!!!!

"An Otterhound who likes water ...... I don't believe it"!!!!

Although now considered an "oddball" by his peers; a very wet and happy Oscar is having the time of his life!!

Meanwhile; Rocky and Rosie had discovered a way off the towpath and had gone in search of their favourite plaything ...... MUD!!

Fortunately there was a lack of this particular plaything, so they hurried back to join their new friend and see what else could be enjoyed!

Tickled scenting bones were fun to use and all three pals had an overload of smells to enjoy!

A lovely pile of vegetation to go rooting around in ........

What's this? Oh good grief ....... There's no stopping him when he's having fun! A walk with a water baby .... How refreshing!!

Rocky remains confused (but he often gives that impression!) .......... Our two hounds are very accommodating though and are really just happy to have another Otterhound to play with!

Our three musketeers move forward, having as much fun as we were!

"One for all and all for one, Lets tickle some scenting bones chaps"!

While our hounds went happily bouncing along we had our wonderful stroll and pleasant conversations ........ What a gorgeous setting to do it in!!

Nearing moored boats means ........ Nearing a pub! Isn't this a great country?

So it was up over the bridge and through the village to the pub ....... Shade and refreshment for all!!

Rosie enjoys the fruits of a large jug of Pimms (if you'll excuse the pun)!?

Rocky sleeps in the shade while Oscar has a laugh and a joke with the grown ups!!

After a refreshing stop it was time to head back to the other pub!

No we're not booze mad (honest) it just made a lovely day better .... Hot sun, cool beer ....... Smashing!!

The three pals make a new friend ...... Everyone is drawn to these beautiful hounds!

Relieved of his backpack Rocky enjoys the freedom that comes with a lack of responsability.

But well done Rocky, you are a star!

What fun was had, especially in the long grass ...... "There has to be something wriggling about in here"!!?

Rosie was enjoying the smell and feel of the long grass so much, she didn't see the lads move on!

"Hey guys, wait up ......... I'm coming"!!

They carried on, running and bouncing and laughing ........ What fun!!

Oscar carried on doing what he loved best?!!?

"You know Oscar old pal, the only one not getting wet today is our Rosie ........ Next time she gets close to the edge ........."!!!!!!?

Oh yes ....... Guess who was next for the "slip and dip"!!!?

But as usual, Otterhounds are too full of life and fun to worry about much for long!!

It was almost instantly back to the bouncing and the running and the laughing!

Guess who????

They couldn't have had any more fun if they tried ......

"Oh my; Rocky ....... I wonder who this is in the water"? He's insatiable"!!!

"Ta Da" ....... "It was me silly"!!!

Back at the final pub call ....... What do tired and happy Otterhounds do?

They rest and sleep and relax ........

........ "Go away Rosie ........ I need to rest and sleep and relax"!!

"Man that was a great walk"! Sigh!

What a great day to "take three Otterhound"!!

To end this weeks blog ...... While Rocky and Rosie rested and slept and relaxed ...... A postscript .....

....... On the way home lucky Oscar got to pop in on Pub Otterhound Max!

What a lucky Ottehound, so much fun and three more new friends ........ How do you make an Otterhounds day ....?

....... It just takes three Otterhounds!!!

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