Sunday 15 February 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Is this spring (?) and the difficulty of posing for portraits.

This week has seen the weather changing again and life getting back to some sort of normality. Rocky and Rosie have had a pretty routine week all in all, yet life for them remains an endless run of fun, adventure and discovery. The joys of youth!!

The beginning of the week saw snow still lying thick on the ground. It had frozen hard though, and even Rocky (a fairly hefty dog) left no footprints; as he walked across the snow with his webbed feet splayed out.

Rocky and Rosie continued to run and play but I think they were a little disappointed as the snow had less scent on than normal ground …… Only the bunnies and us had been in this field since the snow fell!

They, like the rest of us, seemed to feel it was time for the white stuff to go now – it gets a little boring after a while,doesn't it?!

On cue, the weather warmed and the wet muddy times came back. No problem though, there was always a playtime – indoors or out.

Waiting for the long winter to draw to a close gives ample times for cuddles and relaxing in comfort.

Short days can be filled with all sorts of activities! There is polishing up on getting to food before your playmate …….. The sound of a rustling bag gets them running into the kitchen in seconds …….. Rocky isn’t half as slow as he used to be, the competition has made him more eager (at times) to get off his beloved sofa!!

If they run out of enthusiasm for their toys, someone will always start off a “watching the neighbours” session ……..

If anyone is doing anything outside, it is as good to watch as the telly!!

Occasionally, our avid viewers will be joined by Mij …….. Just to see if there is anything of feline interest you understand.

Generally there isn’t; so Mij will jump down and go to the back doors to watch her favourite telly programme (you can watch the bird table from the back door)!!

“Cats are silly aren’t they Rocky”? “Fancy not wanting to watch people taking their shopping out of the car”!! “Honestly”!!

When out on the patio there is a great game called “Try and spot where Mij has gone”! Rosie puts far more effort into this game than Rocky!!

Both our Otterhounds seem to be good thieves …… Don’t get me wrong, they are not stealing important things or peoples things …….. It’s just that every now and then they run off with a little something …..Just for the joy of it, it seems!!

Rocky hiding behind his beloved sofa is always an indicator that he has something he knows he shouldn’t really have …………

“Rocky ….. What have you got …….. Show mummy”

“Shan’t ……I haven’t got anything really ……”

Rosie has also worked out that this is Rocky’s way of trying not to seem guilty!

“Oooh, What have you got Rocky …… Can I have some”?

Just saying “What have you got” in a slightly accusatory tone seems to send our Otterhounds into totally guilty mode (honestly, that’s all I did before this photo was snapped)……. It’s very funny.

I then just walked up to Rocky and held my hand out ……. As always …….. He sort of spat the offending article into my hand and looked up at me with an “I’m sorry” look on his face. How can you be cross with that? I never manage it!

The object of desire turned out to be a catnip mouse belonging to Mij ….. Not unusual …… These little toys have come in for a lot of Otterhound attention since Mij joined our family!


Sometimes our hounds simply chill out and relax …….. This is their “Butter wouldn’t melt” pose!

If they are tired or there is nothing much going on, there is nothing better than a cuddle …….

……. Or a laze in bed.

Towards the end of the week though the sun came out …….. A good day to go up on the downs.

Rocky seemed in a pensive mood …… Sitting and contemplating ……

“Something looks different …… What can it be …….”? “Oh yes, the white stuffs gone”!

We continued across the downs towards the big secure field. Up here they love the freedom of extending leads …… But invariably you reach a “Cats Cradle” stage where you have to wade in and disentangle them both. Funny thing is that they don’t seem to notice until their legs are so hog tied, they fall over!! Scenting bones in action I suppose …. Supersedes all other senses!

Reaching the field and closing the gate our two hounds are set free …….

“Thanks mum …… See you later”!!!

There was lots to investigate in the field this time …… back to all the yummy scents of the countryside.

Here there was little wind and the sun was really quite warm.

What a beautiful afternoon!

Rosie was the first to get the spring bug …………”Yippee, is this what’s called Spring”??

Then Rocky caught spring fever too ……. What a bouncy Otterhound!!!

I didn’t like to tell them it was too early to count their chickens ……. It would only have led to questions about chickens!!!!

They soon settled down to some serious enjoyment ….. Smells, smells and more smells!

Then they were off …… Enjoying the day.

Rosie was fascinated by the intriguing mounds of earth.

After failing to explain why they didn’t smell of “bunnies” ….. Rocky spotted some of the aforementioned mammals ….. He was off ……

“Hey, wait up Rocky…….. If it isn’t that funny “bunnies” person …… What is it”??

Rocky failed to get anywhere near the bunnies of course ….. They had scarpered long before he got there …..
“Oooh, I only wanted to play”!!!

By the time Rosie had given up with her questions and caught him up, they were long gone ……. And Rocky was getting his breath back.

It was time to go home again ….. The leads went back on and we had a slow, warm and enjoyable walk home.

Rosie has a game she likes to play when they are walking on the lead ……… Rocky doesn’t seem to mind! ……

She will grab hold of Rocky’s lead and try to pull him, growling all the time. Sometimes he just ignores her and others he will turn and play ….. Either way, they both seem to get some fun out of it!

Back at home it’s time for a good long drink before settling down ……
Yes really, they are drinking …..

I’ve heard of sharing but this is a little extreme …… Good job we have a large water bowl!

Our hounds have really good sense when it comes to relaxation …… they never seem on edge …… They are just active ……. Or relaxed ……. No in-betweens. It’s so easy to tell how your Otterhound is feeling!

Invariably though, relaxation leads to …….Snoozing!

It was while Rocky was stretched out having an Uber relax that I decided I wanted to try and get a portrait photo. Or at least do some practice towards one. He just looks good enough to eat when he’s sleepy …….. Come to think of it, that’s how I felt about the kids too!! Why are youngsters always adorable when they are asleep?
And if that is the case, why aren’t they always asleep? Hmmm!!

I sneaked a photo but it was evening so the flash went off …..

“Oooo, you woke me up" (JUST!)
What are you doing" ….
"What you want”??

So I told Rocky he was so pretty that I wanted a special photo of him, I asked him to stay still and pose …… Aren't I wicked?


“Go away”

When I didn’t go away he decided he would pose for me,after all …….

So this is what I ended up with ……..
Thanks Rocky!!!!!

Although not a week full of new places or visitors, it was still a full week for our hounds.

And what do all good hounds do at the end of a busy week ……

That’s right!

Night night Rocky, sweet dreams!

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