Saturday 6 December 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: There is fun to be had whether it is wet or dry!

This week has been a pretty routine week for Rocky, but that never seems to mean boring for our fun loving Otterhound. As always in winter, our delightful weather has been a smorgasbord of cold delight. We have had exceptionally cold with bright winter sun, exceptionally cold with bright winter sun and high winds and we have had freezing cold and very wet. But we are not complaining (although we would have liked some of the snow that the north of the country had) because, any day is a fun day with Rocky.

The long dark evenings have been filled with playtime and sleeps. Rocky tends to ponder what or how he is going to entertain himself in the evenings. Mij, as always now, just hangs loose and waits to see what enjoyment she can join in with.

If he has been quite active during the day he enjoys a gentle game of destroy the toy!

Rocky does look at you reproachfully if you state that he would enjoy his toy more if he just played with it.

Being an Otterhound (an intelligent problem solver), Rocky sometimes sets himself a problem in order to solve it …………

“Look here mum, I love my toys …….. But this is my toy and I want to see how long it takes me to kill it”!!!

Some evenings he likes to see which of his most uncomfortable positions he can stay in the longest!

Other evenings he just likes to snuggle down with a good friend.

Rocky has been very well behaved this week so I decided to try letting him off the lead up on the downs one day. This was to try and gauge how his recall is, away from his beloved training sessions.

“What’s that”? “Where did my lead go”??

“Hey, this is fun ……….. I’ve got windswept locks and I’m not even in the car ………. Cool”!!!

“I’ll just mill around here for a while …………. Smells interesting”!

“And here’s the great explorer walking off in an Arctic breeze”!!

“This is a funny wind …….It makes me kinda bouncy”!!

Rocky spent some of his time just chilling out (get it? Freezing wind?!) and taking in the scenery.

He particularly seemed to like turning his head into the wind; when his ears flapped I was half afraid he would take off!!!

He didn’t of course!

He seemed to be enjoying himself though!

Being an Otterhound he invariably found water ………… But water as Rocky prefers it ………… Just covering his ankles that is!!!!

I think it might have been a little cold though ……… Because he didn’t stay in it too long!

What happened when I called him back??

Well, he came straight back to me ………… What a star!!!

He was his usual tired self when he came home so he relaxed into a little self indulgence!

Must be nice to be a dog?! I had housework to do!! I wonder if I could teach him how to use the vacuum cleaner???????

For Rocky’s expedition this week we chose a wonderful freezing day with torrential rain ………… Clever old us?!!
We took him to another of our nearby ancient sites, another iron-age hill fort. This one is about 5,000 years old and right on the edge of our nearest city.

(If you are interested – clicking on the photo may enlarge it enough for you to read the information on the board)

We decided to walk around the outer rampart first, so we could catch what view the weather would allow.

Rocky seems to like taking in views too ……… Nice to know that your dog enjoys the same sort of things that you do!

Rocky also seemed to like exploring the scents around the ramparts.

Then there’s a spot of sheep watching ……. I get the feeling that he hasn’t quite worked out what sheep are or what they are for ……… he tends to look at them with a somewhat puzzled expression at times. Still there are moments that we look at Rocky that way too ……… tends to be when he is being particularly clown like.

Then he is back to taking in the view, with an eye to what mischief can be achieved no doubt!

One man and his dog ….. Trekking along the ramparts with one mind …… “Nice scenery, blooming cold and wet though”!!

Further along the ramparts Rocky makes a decision ……..

“I’m going up here dad ………. How about you”?

So up we go, to the big green space between the inner and outer ramparts. It is a bit more sheltered in here so not quite so cold.

It is in this part of the fortification that William the conqueror reviewed his troops in 1066.

It was within this central circle that he built his first stone castle in this country.
(Again try clicking to enlarge)

Rocky seems quite impressed with the size of the inner ramparts ….. ?

He then proceeds to take a break and review his own troops ………. That’ll be us then!

Rocky is fairly impressed when we walk around the site of the original cathedral for this area.

(As with the other information boards you can click to try and enlarge if you have any historical interest)

Anyway …. I digress ….. We continued to explore the site and Rocky found plenty to tickle his scenting bones!!

We then headed for the original fortress entrance.

So Rocky and “dad” went to have a little look …… They like bridges!!

After that we meandered on and Rocky’s interest was caught by a fellow browser.

Then there was another one ……. “Yippee, playtime”!!!

Sadly, only one of his new friends could stay and play ……….. but that was OK by Rocky!
Off came the lead and the new friends were all set for a bit of gambling about!

The weather didn’t seem to dampen their spirits … Off they ran …… Looking forward to a great run and play.

They ran this way and that ………..

Something would catch their attention for a few minutes ………

Then they were off again, having a great time!

The two new friends scouted about for more pals to join in their game, but no one else seemed interested in having such boisterous fun.

So, in order to ensure that fun remained on the menu, a new toy was found.

They played tug of war, happily and without so much as a gentle growl.

Eventually though, Rocky’s new friend was called to go home.

Rocky, slightly confused at first, thought he had won the stick.

He realised his friend had to go as he saw him being led away.

Although a little sad that his friend was going home, he remained happy as he had had a wonderful game. He had charged about for a very long time and had tremendous fun.

So we put our happy hound back on the lead and headed back to the car.

His expedition this week had been interesting (lots of lovely smells) and loads of fun, Rocky had the time of his life.
We all headed home, cold and wet but very happy.

After being dried and having a drink our hero couldn’t even make it onto his beloved sofa.

He didn’t seem to mind though ………..

Rocky was doing what came naturally ……..

Night night Rocky, sleep well and happy dreams.

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