Saturday 27 December 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Merry Christmas

Rocky and family send seasons greetings to everyone and hope you are having as much fun as he is.

This weeks blog will only be a short one as we have visitors, Christmas (of course) with all that entails and a new puppy to boot! This all means that my time is divided too much to give you a usual account of Rocky’s week.

However, there is time for a few pictures to keep you going until the next blog ……..

Rocky and Rosie have been out on lots of joint walks and Rocky has been showing her around his territory.

“Come over here Rosie, you’ve gotta see this”!!

As both our luvverlies are Otterhounds they share a few things in common even though they are different personalities …….

The sitting and watching seems to be a general Otterhound thing, and it never ceases to amuse us; especially as the large and the small one tend to undertake this behaviour almost in synchronisation!

Rosie, for her part, seems pretty impressed by Rocky’s “patch” and will generally follow Rocky almost anywhere. She does however need encouragement in the dark, but having Rocky around makes her feel braver.

They both share a love of comfort and sleep as well; cuddles are for the big babies as well as the little ones!

They share a love of playing – Rocky will even go into “Rosie’s” bed (?) to play; which tends to be a bit crowded as she has plundered many toys and keeps them in there as well! But they seem to have a good time despite the many bumps in the bed!

Both hounds tend to hang around the kitchen when food is being prepared ……. Both prefer to lie comfortably rather than sit patiently!!

In fact, hanging around the kitchen has become quite a family affair!!!!

Christmas day was just too exciting for them both and they spent nearly all day (a fairly short one this time of year) awake and active. Rocky and Rosie were obviously very good this year as Santa bought them lots of lovely toys. Rocky also wants to say a big "Thank You" to his friends who gave him super presents as well!

Both tend to be children over them though …..

“I want that one”

“No, I want it – you can have the other one”!

This sometimes leads to a bit of a kerfuffle!

But the Otterhound temperament works well and they remain good natured about their disagreements.

In the end ……. Rocky gets the toy of the moment …….

Errr, I mean Rosie gets the toy ……. Err; actually they just keep swapping!!

Sometimes Rocky ends up sharing his sofa with Rosie, he’s cool about that as it only happens when “mum and dad” are around to help her up.

Although you wouldn’t think so from this photo, Rosie shares Rockies reluctance to leave the warmth and comfort of a comfy bed to go out for a walk.

But as you can see, they both really enjoy it once persuaded.

Rocky gets a big boy game with “daddy”.

But just as he does with Mij when she’s out – he has to go and check if Rosie is OK!

What a great mother he would have made!!

There is always praise for Rocky as he is such a good lad.

Of course, our other wonderful Otterhound gets lots as well!! (How lucky are we)?????

So, to end a short but sweet blog …….

What does our hero need after a Christmas full of fun and games, visitors and good food ……?

Of course, cuddly sleeps …..

Night night Rocky, happy dreams!!

Happy holidays to you all.

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