Sunday 15 June 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Old and new pleasures.

This week has been packed full of interesting events for Rocky. He has experienced new things, some of which he has loved and some of which he was not sure about …………. Gaining more life experience – hard work for a young Otterhound!

Rocky met his first Otter this week – and he gave it a big slurpy kiss!!

Well OK, it was, in fact, an Otta ………..

………….. Otta is a young black Labrador and he met him on the plain during his big expedition?!! Maybe not quite what you were thinking, but Rocky enjoyed it!!

Rocky has had his curious head on this week, everything to him has been curious and interesting ………… And of course, fun!

He has always enjoyed watching the world through the window but this week saw two of his favourite things come together –

Not only could he watch out of the window; but the birds have been paying particular attention to the front garden this week – I think it is since our Red Hot Pokers have come into bloom. So Rocky can now watch these curious flying things dart about in the front and back gardens. What joy for a young Otterhound!!

His usual attendance at dog training saw him welcome a brand new attendee. Dogs and puppies get to greet each other at the beginning of Rocky’s session and this little fella brought out the paternal in him, he so wanted to kiss him better!!

Rocky is getting very good at concentrating on “dad” when so much is going on around him. An important skill to be taught as it may make a big difference one day and could even save his life. Of course a little cooked sausage goes a long way to honing this skill! I wonder, are we destined to carry cooked sausage portions around with us for the rest of his life?? Probably not, I’m sure as he matures he will tend towards higher things ……… roast pheasant perhaps?!

Rocky was altogether more attentive this week and I’m sure, like us, all this learning and paying attention makes him tired …………

Yep. Sure does!!

We invested in a new rug this week, the other one was not really designed for our doggy family member – all that mud and drool!! That one has been cleaned and put away for later times.

This one is a simple wipe clean and is very, very soft! Rocky immediately claimed full rights and rolled and snuffled and wagged his tail in delight!! His sofa now has competition for favourite place!!

He has also had a new toy this week (yes another one …….. sorry but it gives us pleasure too), it is another unloaded latex toy. It is a simple small ball with a face on, that squeaks – he loves it to death as he can pop it in his mouth and suck it; much like his favoured stones.

However, the use of the coffee table as a play area is a new trend; one I see myself putting a stop to. Trouble is that it is at the perfect height for him, can’t really blame him for that ……… I should have thought about these things when I bought it a few years ago?!

Rocky isn’t really difficult to work with; a little discouragement about the coffee table and he happily takes his ball to another favoured spot ……….. The very, very soft new rug!! This is indulgence!!

If I haven’t mentioned it before, I think talk of dissuading Rocky from anything is an ideal opportunity to mention a few facts!
I cannot say if this is the same for all Otterhounds but this is Rocky’s current vocabulary as far as we can make out:-
Din dins (dinner) - NO (goody playtime) - Walkies (yes please, or you have got to be joking, depending on the weather) - Leave it (goody playtime) - Daddy’s home (great excitement) - Bad dog (goody playtime) - Who’s this (great excitement) - What have you got (goody playtime) - Pussycat (curiosity and a little caution) - What’s that (don’t know but it’s mine) - Rocky come (totally dependant on current mood) - Go away (come here) - Sit (no problem at all) - Get off (goody playtime) - Down (generally obliging) - Wait (dependant on how excited he is) – You monster (goody playtime) – Out of there (goody playtime) - Stop it (goody playtime).

There are more - but I’ll leave them for another time; this may, however, give you a clue as to how innovative you have to be to ensure compliance. Never a dull moment with our Otterhound.

As previously mentioned this week’s expedition was up to our favourite watering hole. A perfect day for a walk, sunshine and cloud but always nice and warm; the air filled with birdsong and the meadows in full bloom.

The wild flowers are beautiful at present and are everywhere you look.

The plain is alive with yellows, whites, pinks, purples, greens, blues and violets ………. All waving in the breeze. Some places have grass and flowers up to my chest (great for loosing a young Otterhound in – but he loves the excuse to bounce); others are short and look beautifully painted.

There are bees and butterflies everywhere, including the rare tiny violet butterfly, I think Rocky and I are quite privileged to life here and enjoy all this. Lucky us!

Although we haven’t managed to get Rocky swimming yet, he does enjoy a good paddle. Her you see him enjoying the Otterhound art of walking while drinking ………. Much like a basking shark I guess, just walk through a puddle of the right depth with your mouth open and swallow (OK I know basking sharks aren't found in puddles). Problem solving – see; how to quench your thirst and get where you want to be!!

And this of course is where we want to be!

Rocky’s alert phase, as I find myself a good place to sit and watch him play.

The “basking shark” again.

The “full paddle, while ensuring no one is going to creep up on you and cause a sudden plunge out of your depth”.

The resulting mad fit!!

The mad fit’s “charging about in the grass” phase.

The “continue to charge about in the grass” phase.

The “OK, I’m tired now” phase.

On the way back to the car Rocky was heard at full bay, he was out of sight behind some tall grass. Despite calling and whistling the baying continued ……… Hmm I thought, what’s this about?
Rocky had found a snake moving across one of the paths!

Fortunately he was too perturbed to investigate, but he had managed to halt its progress; his baying must have given the snake doubt about moving too much. On my arrival it started to slither into the undergrowth and I put Rocky on the lead before taking this photo. It doesn’t appear to be an Adder and so far I have been unable to identify it, but the good thing is that Rocky had the good sense to be wary and I made a point of reinforcing this behaviour.

Another of life’s lessons for our young Otterhound – it must be hard work, everyday there is something new to learn and store away!

Still, as we continued he soon got back into the romp and play mode he loves so much!

Shortly before we reached the car Rocky decided to have a rest and lay down in the grass. Of course it was so tall I couldn’t see him, so I went in search of our hero and found this!!

Every picture tells a story ………

So a good drink and a drive home with plenty of air flowing through his golden locks and our hero was back doing one of his favourite things ……….

Sleep well Rocky!!

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