Sunday 8 June 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Lazy days and Sundays.

This has been a quieter week for Rocky, the weather has been both dreadful and marvellous – how un- British?!

The week started off pretty dire with wind and rain, much time was spent indoors but Rocky still had an eventful week with much learning packed into it.

“Daddy” is still trying to measure how big Rocky is getting and Rocky is never one to turn down the chance of a tasty snack. Although he is quite a large and heavy dog already, he is as gentle as can be and all his dealings with us are undertaken with deference for our apparent fragility.

Rocky has also amused himself with his toys; he is very good at keeping himself amused. His funniest antics are when he talks to his toys, while laying down he pushes and paws them until they are just out of reach then gives them a right good talking to. It appears to get quite heated just before he jumps up and pounces on them, and then he brings them to us to admire and tell him what a clever boy he is. One day I must get around to videoing some of his funniest traits!

Rocky is very fond of his treat ball, we give him this when we go out and he can’t come with us. We put some kibble in for him and he happily rolls it around with his nose to get the kibble to fall out. This is one of his favourite types of games – fun ……. With food!!

He has also spent much time by the patio doors watching those puzzling birds. We had one day that rained in sheets for the whole day. Rocky is fascinated by birds and we have many of this years broods visiting our bird table. On this particular day there were some baby starlings that contentedly spent many hours sheltering under its roof, they looked like they were waiting for a bus; every now and then they would look out and check if one was coming!!

By mid week the weather was clearing again and as an added bonus it was dog club night!! Rocky knows the way now and gets quite excited, actually they all get excited and the meet and greet usually starts in car park outside the hall.

While the humans are getting instruction Rocky takes time out to chat with a friend.

Rocky likes the down and walk away for 2 minutes bit, it means he can do what hound dogs love – lay down. He does occasionally decide that he can tell the time better than us humans and just gets up and saunters across to “daddy”, but nobody minds, they nearly all do it from time to time.

A bit of quiet time with “daddy”, this helps to settle our dogs if they are still a little excitable. At least, sometimes it does – I don’t know if it is because the weather has meant less time outdoors or not, but Rocky was a bit excitable this week. He even tried having a conversation across the room with one of his pals and didn’t concentrate on his lessons very well. Still he is only a young Otterhound and there is plenty of time to grow up!

After his quiet time though he got back into it and finished his lessons quite well, clever young Otterhound!

At home “daddy” had a talk with Rocky about concentration and the benefits of a good education. Although Rocky looked interested in the discussion I’m not entirely convinced he understood – it’s quite possible that all Rocky heard was ………….. Blah Blah Blah!! We’ll see!

Rocky had a bit of good old fashioned grooming this week, there may be many a teenager out there who will be a little jealous of him - if you comb his hair in any particular way – it just stays. Honest!!

No need for waxes or sprays, it just stays ………

That is – until he has a good old shake, then he’s back to looking like you never groomed him in the first place ………….. Mmmmm ……… much like most teenagers I think!!

This weekend the weather has been glorious so we took Rocky back on the plain and headed for our favourite watering hole.

The grasses out there have thrived on the rain and sunshine and grown very long in places, every thing looked lush.

In some places the grass was taller than Rocky; all we could see was the tip of his tail. Rocky thought all this was great fun – what a bouncy Otterhound!!

Eventually we came upon a watering hole and Rocky was delighted!

Unforunately it wasn't the one we were heading for - this was just a muddy puddle ..............
............ But Rocky didn't care!!

When we reached our true destination it was beautiful, the birds were singing, there were damsel fly everywhere, the pond weed had bloomed and the elderberry were in flower. A picture perfect moment!

After a few moments of sitting quietly on the grass taking it all in, a dragonfly came and played in front of me and a cuckoo sang out from the woods. I don’t know about Rocky, but I was having the perfect of days.

Rocky had decided by this time that it was time to take a paddle and cool down. Still no actual swimming; but paddling he will do, and love every minute of it.

We were joined briefly by some other doggy friends who loved to swim. Rocky got very excited and we thought …….. This is it, he’s going to swim!! But no, it seems that Rocky doesn’t do swimming at all!!

“Daddy” is as keen to get Rocky swimming as he is keen to get a shoulder stand welcome from his favourite Otterhound. So, he decided to take matters into his own hands; so to speak.

So, clothes and all, in “daddy” went.

Rocky got all excited again and I held my breath.

“Daddy” had a swim and called Rocky with lots and lots of encouragement ……….


Then just as “daddy” gave up and started to come out, Rocky went in to him. However, Rocky had mistimed it! Thinking that he would catch up with his “dad” while still within his depth; Rocky was surprised to find the floor disappear and his head bob under the water.

In great haste he turned about and doggy paddled his way back to walking depth.

Yippee we thought, at least he did a little swimming?!

There then followed pandemonium as Rocky had a huge mad fit ……….. Dripping wet and charging about in the long grass ……….. What a bouncy Otterhound!

As Otterhounds are built for swimming (Uh Hum!!), Rocky was drying off quickly.

However, his mad fit persisted!!

Eventually he lay down for a little quiet time.

“Dad” went for a little walk around the pond and Rocky, still excited thought he would creep up on him and start a game of tag!

“Dad”, not being very good at tag, was soon caught and left to try and capture our hero. Not an easy thing to capture and tag an Otterhound that doesn’t want to be caught!

The game went on for some time, Rocky with a huge grin on his face and “daddy” drying off nicely.

Eventually the games stopped and Rocky came and sat beside me, just quietly surveying the lovely day.

“Dad” came to join us and there was a lovely bit of together time.

It was quiet time for us all as we just mulled over our afternoon.

It had been a lovely day and we walked back to the car to go home.

Rocky finished his fun time with a big drink, a collapse on a cool floor and a lovely big sleep.

Happy Otterhound!!

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