Sunday 4 May 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Growing up means so much to learn!

Rocky has had another good week. On top of everything else he now has his own business cards; with nearly everyone we meet asking about him and asking about his websites we decided it is much easier to hand over a business card with web details on. These have been warmly received by all who have had them and we don’t have to feel guilty because we forgot to take a pen and paper out with us (again!!).

Since Rocky was very small he has enjoyed sucking thumbs (ours of course) and small rounded pebbles. A strange habit for a dog but he loves it – he has never swallowed any (to our knowledge) and tends to have one or two favourites. As he has grown the size of pebble has grown with him, we still have the two tiny ones from his puppy-hood. The latest two he has pinched from one of my pots in the garden, they are well rounded and he loves them.

Rocky keeps his pebbles in the top of my oil burner on the coffee table – my fault I fear as having cleaned the burner after use over Christmas I omitted to use it for a while! Any point during the day or evening you are likely to hear the tell tale sound of pebbles clinking together as Rocky delicately attempts to lick his choice out of the stone bowl. Then, like any teenager, he will walk about (or sit about) rolling his pebble around in his mouth and giving it a good sucking ……………. Of course, with the teenage analogy I was thinking chewing gum but you get the picture! He does have some endearingly human traits at times!

Rocky and Biskitt are still working towards full cessation of suspicion and avoidance (slow but continuous). Rocky, being an Otterhound and a problem solver, has worked out that she is less fractious when on my lap – he therefore takes full advantage of these times.

The other night he tentatively gave her a lick - notice he starts on her back, well away from the sharp end.

Having got away with it and not received a hissing fit for his trouble he was emboldened!

Not only did it turn into a full scale grooming lick – but he headed upstream towards the sharp end. What a brave Otterhound!!

Rocky is a clever Otterhound though and spotting Biskitt turn her head towards him with a “watch it buddy” expression, decided that withdrawal was the best thing to do. But you should have seen him strut as he crossed the room – very pleased with himself he was!!

Knowing how important grooming is to dogs as far as bonding is concerned (and of course, knowing he is a mud magnet) Rocky gets groomed regularly himself. He has by now got used to this and no longer does the puppy trick of seeing how quickly you can attack the comb. It does tend to relax him though ………. And sleep follows on quickly!!

With a mixed bag as far as the weather goes, Rocky hasn’t had quite so much time outdoors as last week, but has made the most of it when able. He continues on his planned excavations of our garden and it now mimics the building site up the road from us! Bless!?

His big adventure this week has been to explore the roads and byways around where we live. Although we live in a small town (it was a village when we came to live here, but that’s progress I guess), we are surrounded by countryside and woodland and you don’t have to walk far in any direction to get there. Consequently there are many places close-by that Rocky can explore.

Meeting people and other animals on the way all make for an interesting time for Rocky and he drinks it all in. It can take quite a while though as anything particularly interesting or new is still greeted by a good old sit down and watch. Allowing him this time helps tremendously with his socialisation and there is now a huge repertoire of experiences that no longer make him nervous.

However, all this walking about, taking in new smells and experiences and generally having a good time makes a young dog tired. Whenever Rocky comes home from a walk he generally wants to play …………… I do think he was a little too tired after this walk though ……….. occasionally sucking on his favoured squeaky, was all he could muster before falling asleep!!

Rocky had a good time at his training session again this week. He got to meet all his fellow students and there were a few more this week – lots of happy dog tails!

Rocky worked hard at paying attention to what was being asked of him. But still managed to make it look like he was having a game – happy Otterhound!

As you can see he is doing a grand job with his “down” and “stay”. You could suggest he was just tired, but I prefer to think of our boy as really putting the effort in!!

My theory was upheld as after walking into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee on our return home, I went back into the living room and was met by this sight! This ladies and gentleman is a very tired and fast asleep Otterhound!! How cute is that??!

Rocky’s training continues at home as we are given “homework” to do! Rocky of course thinks he is just getting what he wants …….. treats ……….. but we know better. Any doggy person will tell you how manipulative they can be ……… well now it’s our turn.

However, he has fun as he learns which is the only way to do it - and so do we! It is fun sharing your life with an Otterhound …………….

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