Monday 12 May 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Big boy - baby boy!

When is a young Otterhound grown up? That’s a good question! As you know Rocky is now ten months old, weighs over 5 ½ stone and is pretty large, but is he still a baby? Rocky tends to lead you astray on this at times; he can look thoughtful, noble, curious and at times very intelligent but mostly he is just a messy mud magnet that we wouldn’t change for the world. It is easy to think of him as a grown dog but there are little tell tale signs that puppy-hood is not entirely left behind – as you read through this weeks blog see if you can spot them.

This past week has been glorious, with bright hot sunshine, refreshing breezes and longer evenings. Rocky has had such a busy week you just wouldn’t believe!

The fun started with a walk down by the river. “Daddy” still intent on seeing his favourite Otterhound swimming, sat our boy down and explained all about what fun there was to have in water.

Then to reassure our timid lad dad walked into the water with him. This seemed to work a treat as Rocky followed him happily and even ventured further out on his own, knowing that dad was in the water and the lead was clutched firmly in his hands.

Unfortunately when trying to play in the water the splashes seemed to have an adverse effect and our hero got out of the water and refused to go back in!! Ho Hum!!

We walked further along the water meadows and Rocky was rather taken with the flotilla of swans lazing about on the river. It looked like he was trying to count them but ………….

If he was trying to count he gave up when he ran the other way to the hedge and saw lots more!! He remained interested enough to hang about and take it all in but the intense expression had gone. It must be hard to count so many though when you can’t use your fingers or toes!

On the way home Rocky saw something on the pavement ahead, sat down rapidly while pulling back on his lead and refused to move an inch forward?! Inspecting the pavement ahead for some reason for this sudden spooking I noticed a van parked on the pavement. Leaving Rocky with his “dad” I strode over to it and touched it to show him it was nothing to be scared of ……… Nope, still couldn’t get him to move. Looking around in desperation I noticed that the entrance to one of the driveways by the pavement had two stone lions on top of the gate posts. Surely not I thought, but nonetheless went up to them and patted and stroked them.

Sure enough Rocky then moved cautiously forward and slowly standing on his back legs proceeded to sniff these two scary (?) statues! Then, happy as a sand boy he trotted off for home again.

The couple on the other side of the road were in hysterics by this time and congratulated us on
having such a lovely big baby!!!!
Rocky has spent much of the week lazing about in the garden. He hasn’t quite learned the art of finding a shady spot, so tends to laze or play in the warm sunshine until he gets too hot – then he heads (at great speed I may add) for the shelter of the indoors. After a cool down and a drink he is off outside again. The hot weather does seem to deter him from digging I am pleased to say; perhaps it is just too much work in the heat?

Our cat, Biskitt, also enjoyed the great outdoors this week. Being 18 she is very choosy which sort of weather will drag her from the comforts of home, but hot and sunny seems to do it!

Yes, we even had times when both of them were in the garden together!! Needless to say Rocky will not give up asking her for a game. But due to persistent disappointment he does only do it every now and then. He is trying to do things right!!

This week’s dog training went well again. Rocky now seems pretty well socialised with other dogs and the benefits are that he is less intent on getting to other dogs when out on the lead. Good manners come slowly but surely.

He has become very good with “sit” and “down” and is not so distracted by what the other dogs are doing.

He is relaxed enough now to stop and have a quiet conversation with his mates while the humans receive instruction.

He has even relaxed enough to inspect the state of the flooring, or his nails, until it is time to get on and do some more fun stuff!

Due to the heat and the fact of the lighter evenings much of this week’s lesson was outside, which all appreciated! The dogs were led around and around; and in and out of each other like a complex flying display (only without the planes ………. Or the flying!) – Rocky likes that bit!

Rocky is really good now at waiting to be called - and then coming straight away. But it is only at close quarters at the moment so we are not counting our chickens (or any one else's poultry)!!

The evening finished with one of Rockys' 'favourite games – follow the dog in front through the long round thing!! He likes this game so much that dad has to really run in order to catch him at the other end (has to be done or there would be pandemonium with dogs all over the place). Rocky doesn’t think he gets enough goes though; I think he would keep doing it until he collapsed given the chance

Oh yes, I must tell you about this photo ………….. Happily laying on the patio one evening, after a hot day, Rocky was perturbed to see his “dad” pick up the hose in order to water the plant tubs. The result …………. A lightening charge indoors in order to hide from the horrible wet snake thing!! What a brave grown up dog!!

Lastly, it was too hot yesterday to take Rocky for his big adventure during the heat of the day. So at 7pm, when the air was cooling we took Rocky to his favourite watering hole.

Rocky was walking in and out of the water as if he was born in it and dad got excited thinking that this was going to be the big push and Rocky would actually go for a swim!!

So all sorts of sticks went into the pool in order to entice him to go deep enough for a swim ………. Rocky however, being an Otterhound and a good problem solver noticed that if he waited long enough the breeze would blow the stick close enough for him to reach out and grab it!!

Noticing his “dad” was a little frustrated Rocky (damp Rocky) enticed him into a game of chase and good fun was had by all. Do you know that there hasn’t been a day since we got Rocky that he hasn’t made his “dad” laugh (really!); I think that is pretty amazing!! There are so many reasons to share your life with a dog and fun and laughter are two of the best!!

Eventually it was time to go home and Rocky got into his seat with such a happy Otterhound look on his face! Supper was very late last night and dad and I were very tired but we wouldn’t have missed our trip out for the world ……………

As for Rocky, well he slept like a baby having happy dreams of a happy week. Night night Rocky!

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