Sunday 4 October 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Some sunny days ....... And anecdotes.

This summer had one or two good hot days and it was on one of these that Rocky joined his friends from the training club in raising money for charity.

Rocky likes these shows because he gets to meet up with all his friends and work on his favourite things; jumping, running and tunnels!

To begin with, he has to know the order of events (so he knows when to get excited you understand)!

Then there is always a break where he gets to meet new friends, like this Spinone.

A little bit of hanging about is OK, he gets to watch what Rosie is up to ....... He likes to keep one eye on her when he can.

Then Rocky gets to show off the skills he has learned.

Doggy display! ........ Although he doesn't like this as much as the activities he (like all his friends) has become very good at it.

They have all got the timing right to cross through without bumping into each other, they need to concentrate on what they are doing or it's chaos!

YES! Rocky can concentrate .... Although he would have you believe otherwise.

As always, being such a large (and handsome) boy, an awful lot of people come up to you afterwards and ask about him. Just what we want (Clever Rocky!) ...... Promotes the breed as the wonderful family pets they are!!!

Something that took a bit of time with Rocky though ..... Was the "sit and wait to be called" trick ......

...... He has, however, got very good at this and now does it with a self satisfied grin on his face!

Oh! Incase you were wondering ...... Rosie tends to find a nice shady spot to retire to while I watch the proceedings.

Rocky has been honing his jumping skills this year and this summer managed to jump 4 people successfully ..... Quite an achievement for a lazy hound Don't you think?!

He has also got faster on the hurdles ....... In fact this year was his best performance yet, well done Rocky.

So he and his friends have managed to raise money to help the local wildlife hospital this year. What kind and clever dogs (OK, and owners)!

Of course, after all that effort our hero had to have a bit of a lie down ....... Can't have him getting tired now, can we??!!!

Sunny days have also seen Rocky and Rosie improve their paddling skills down by the water meadows!

It was while on one of these walks that an elderly gentleman came up to us and said ......

"Aha, Otterhounds! I used to go hunting with them, lovely dogs ....... Never caught a damn thing of course ...... But smashing dogs"!! ..........

...... We did laugh at his comments, but we do know what he means ......

........ Because often; while in the largest of the local fenced fields, we have seen both our hounds catch the scent of a rabbit or hare and snuffle about in the long grass at the field edges .......

...... Every time (honest), there has been at least one animal slink out from between the two of them; run off behind them (as they continue to have their noses buried in the grass) and get away scot free!!

It is funny! Great scent hounds but not great hunters; our two at least!!

Rocky and Rosie have shown us where the expression "thieving hounds" comes from though.

If you look closely you will see one of Mij's toys in Rocky's mouth.

He, and Rosie, have a penchant for stealing whatever it is that the other pet has got! A habit that only Mij seems to lack, so of course her toys are favourite!!!

They will also sneak sweetie wrappers if left on a table; their favourites though tend to be choccy bar wrappers ...... lots of lovely smell but no calories!!!

They say that dogs get to look like their owners ....... Well a local summer event had a fun dog show .........

......... Rocky was to enter the "dog that looks most like it's master" event .......

A sure fire winner, if you ask me!

Sunny days also mean time in the garden .....

...... On your own .......

........ Or with a friend!!

Otterhounds like to sit and contemplate, surveying their domain is a favoured pastime too!

Mij (we think) thinks she is a dog ....... She sleeps in Rosie's bed at least once a day.

........ And being the two youngest of the family, Rosie and Mij adore a good game .......

So a shared bed is a jolly good excuse for one........

A game which often results in Rosie looking confused as she ends up with a cat firmly attached to her face ....... Tail wagging, she just freezes and waits until Mij stops gnawing on her chin .....

Then they wrestle some more .....

Of course, all this wild living takes it's toll on a young hound!

So, night night Rosie, sweet dreams!

And, night night Rocky, dream of being a great hunter and actually catching something!!!!

1 comment:

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

awwww--such awesome pictures as always!!! did i mention i love otterhounds ;-)