Sunday 14 June 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Rocky's Saturday.

Rocky was keen that people didn't think he went on expeditions all the time (poor thing?)!

So this week he wanted you to know how mundane (???) his days could be ....... So, here we go.

Rocky and Rosie's lessons are seven days a week ..... Every walk they have is used to teach or re-enforce safe behaviour. For example, they are never to cross a road or a path without being told to. They are both so good at this now that it doesn't matter if they are off the lead .....

....... Or on the lead! You can tug all you want but they won't cross until they are told. Well done, this will help to keep you safe from traffic and prevent you causing accidents. Clever Otterhounds!!

Rocky is a little upset because while they are out getting lessons (and having fun I may add), Mij gets to do just what she wants. Well, being a cat she is convinced she knows everything anyway!!

On returning home the kids (yes, the similarities seem endless) get to play in the garden. Today seems to be "hide and seek"!

"Come out, come out where ever you are ..... I know you're around here somewhere Mij"!!!

"I found her, I found her"!!!

"Now, it's my turn to hide ....... Close your eyes Rocky".

"Mum and Dad go out shopping, but they always bring a present of some sort home.

Today it's fluffy toys ..... Rocky's favourites!

"Look what I've got Rosie's mine"!!!

"I want it"

"No it's mine"!

"But I want it"!!!!!

Rosie was going to be given the other toy, but; because Rocky's got this one she wants it .....Of course!

Rocky being hard and mean (??) gave in as usual, so Rosie takes her trophy toy to her bed.

Rocky doesn't mind ...... He's spotted the other toy ....... and is quite taken with it too!

After thrusting the duck into his "dad's" groin (to indicate he wants a game), Rocky gets to play jumpy's!!

Of course, this get's Rosie's attention again ......

"I want that one dad, I want it"!

Rocky has been here before; so happily allows Rosie to play jumpy's for the duck.

So, while Rosie is occupied, and having snuck it out of her bed while she was otherwise engaged ............

Rocky finally settles down to enjoy his first choice of toy!

What a cunning Otterhound!

Rocky and his "dad" are going to do another pantomime for charity tomorrow. So it's time for a quick wash and bush up!

Next to the mud magnetised feet, an Otterhounds beard is the greatest attractor of dirt and grime. So, although not needing an entire bath, Rocky's beard does need a bit of a shampooing!

Rocky doesn't mind this, he always turns it into a game of "chomp the flannel"!

After tea and another walk, Rocky and Rosie always retire to the Jurassic Mud Pit for a game of wrestling.

It has become a nightly ritual for them both and Saturday is no exception.

Once contentedly tired, 'dad' sets to giving the final groom before the pantomime tomorrow.

This is generally a tricky endeavour ....... It all depends on how Rocky feels as to whether it is a calm sleepy operation or a real game of "get me if you can"!

The process starts off easily enough and should be over in no time!

But then something on the telly get's Rocky's attention!

It's some recordings of cats doing the funniest things!

"What on earth are you watching mum"?

Well, I start laughing ..... So of course, everything has to come to a halt while the whole family enjoy watching cats making fools of themselves! Great fun!!

Eventually though, Rocky's groom is finished ....... "How do I look mum, am I handsome"?

"Yes Rocky, you're gorgeous"!!

"My turn now dad, my turn"!!

"Look mum, I'm being groomed; just like Rocky"

"Yes dear"!

'Part way through though, Rosie seems to understand just what she's let herself in for .......

"Not the beard dad ...... It took me ages to get it like that"!!

"Oh mum, dad's combed all my mess out of my beard ....... I don't like it"!!

It get's more like having two children in the house every day ....... Sigh!

Rocky, of course, is taking great delight in her discomfort!

........ So, at the end of the day what do you think of Rocky's Saturday?

Personally I think it's a lot better than mine ...... I'm definately coming back as a dog!!

Anyway, at the very end of the day our two bookends are contentedly sleeping.

So night night Rocky .......

Have fun tomorrow and dream being a star and going on exciting expeditions!

1 comment:

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

awwwww!! great pics! we loved the 4th picture down! Rocky looks massive in his pictures!!!!