Sunday 12 April 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: Easter Bunnies, surprise visits and new toys.

This week has been a mixed bag for Rocky and Rosie. There has been sunshine and showers, routine and surprises. Our hounds make it so easy to tell how they are feeling …….. The face and the bounciness say it all!!

A trip to the big field gives time to run free (or not) …….. A good old sniff round leads to a moment of calm contemplation ……..

…… Mmmm, where are all the bunnies at?

You see, we rarely go a day without seeing a bunny. Rosie is now well acquainted with bunnies as she has seen them and followed their trails as they bolt for home ……

However, today is different …… There are no bunnies …….

Rocky and Rosie have a good look round for them …… Concentrating on the edges of the field, where they usually bolt to. No bunnies here either …….

…… Then running to “Mum and Dad” they are eager to find out if we have seen any.

Well where are they then? There aren’t even any by the fence …

…. “Where are they all Mum”?

“Well you see ….. It’s nearly Easter so they are all rather busy at the moment …. There are an awful lot of eggs to deliver …….”!

Busy old bunnies!!

Happy with the explanation Rocky and Rosie settle to a game ….

They stopped when called to head for home. They have had fun and are ready for the walk back.

Deciding to attend to recall today, they share a doggy joke on the way …….

“Knock knock”
“Who’s there”?
“Hounds are”
“Hounds are who”
“Hounds are cleverer than bunnies ‘cause they don’t have to get busy”!

A short relaxation break before tea!

Ok chaps …. Let’s see how well your training is going ….

Rocky waits (almost patiently) for “daddy” to tell him to tuck in to his tea …..

Rosie has got very good with this ….. She doesn’t even “vulture” over her food like Rocky does!

Well done both of you …….. Yes you can eat your tea now ….. Clever Otterhounds!

An after tea snooze with a friend ……. Can’t beat it!

Rocky likes to chew his toys up and Rosie likes to hide them, so between them both their toy box is getting a little low on stocks ……. So this week saw some new toys arrive for them.

Both hounds enjoyed thoroughly investigating the soft squeaky toys …… Rocky’s favourite!

Eventually, after swapsy’s (whatever Rocky has Rosie wants and vice versa), they both settled down to enjoy some time with one of the toys.

Rosie ended up with Rocky’s squeaky ……

And Rocky ended up with a good chewy toy ……

They like getting new toys!!

After a jolly good play with old and new toys (including the good old flower pots!), Rosie settles down for a snooze on the patio.

While Rocky ends up snoozing with an old (mostly destroyed) favourite of his own!!

Rocky and Rosie were pleased when we decided to take the long route into the village this week. Along the lanes and down the hill, with fresh smells to be discovered!

Rosie got rather excited when she saw what was in the field ……… “Look Mum …. Sheeps ……. Can we take one home to play with …..? Pleeeease”!!!!!

Rosie was a little sad when we said no to this ……..

As we moved on she took a long look at these exciting woolly animals …… Perhaps we will have to buy her a toy sheep one day; she seems to really enjoy watching them!

Rocky soon cheered her up though, by introducing her to the smells of the track verges …….
Essence of fox, badger, and field mouse etc …….. So much for an Otterhounds scenting bones to enjoy!!

Back home after their walk through the village and it’s time (again!) to relax with a friend …… Otterhounds sure know how to relax!!

The highlight of the week? …….. Well, we had a visit from their favourite student!! Here to stay for a few days …….

Otterhound heaven …….. Favourite people as happy to see them as they are to see you!!

It was one of the most prolonged greetings I have ever seen ….. Loves and fusses and fusses and loves …..

I don’t know if being a student has anything to do with it (?) but our Otterhounds decided that Dan wasn’t getting away with anything less than a jolly good wash!!

Even managing to make it onto the sofa didn’t save him ……. “Must wash you, must show we love you ……. Must wash you ……”!!!

Soon he was buried under a pile of good natured, heavily washing and totally adoring Otterhounds ………… He loved every minute of it!!

For the whole of his stay he was provided with a good dose of Otterhound love …… Of course they got tons of loving back ……….. The only way to get the best out of your Otterhound!

Full happy days and playful evenings lead to a great nights sleep ……. Made that little bit special by sharing it with a friend ……

Night night Rocky, sleep well and dream of surprise visits and new toys!

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