Sunday, 26 April 2009

Rocky the Otterhound: I think I want to come back as a dog!!!!

Our thanks go again to Kathy this week for her photography skills during the dog training club.

This week has seen changeable weather, with days full of sunshine and cloud. But our two hounds seem to have enjoyed every minute of it. It’s true what they say you know ……. It’s a dogs life!!

The week started well for Rocky and Rosie, their friend Emm came for a quick visit ……

……. I don’t know who was the most pleased ….. Emm had a lovely smile on her face, Rosie was well pleased ……. But Rocky looks like he felt like that cat that’d got the cream (if you’ll excuse the expression)!!!!
The week continued in a good way as Rocky attended training club.

He got to see all his mates again!

He got to do a bit of showing off ……

…… "Oh yes, I can be irresistible too"!!

He got to have a bit of a wrestle with “dad”!!

“Oh go on, let me have my treat”!!!

He even got to take advantage of the audience’s pats and strokes as he went by!!

Rocky got to show how well he can do what “dad” asked when others were doing their thing.

Yes look, he can do it more than once!!

But ….. Being an Otterhound, he doesn’t always want to let “dad” think he has him well trained!!!!

In fact, Rocky isn’t past letting his “dad” know when he knows better ….

“No dad, you’ve got it all wrong”! ….. “Weren’t you listening again”? ……. “What would you do without me to train you”?!!!!

And what does Rocky think of this weeks training session? ……

…….. “That was great, such fun I am having”!!!

Rocky and Rosie have, of course, continued with their daily walks.

With several fenced fields around they have some time off lead, generally twice a day; at least!

The spring grass is getting nice and long in some places ….. Great fun for playing hide and seek …..

“Rocky, where are you”??

“Err, I’m here Rosie” ….. “Turn around” …… “I’m really not that hard to see, am I”?!!!

In the evenings, when the sun shines through the doors, our hounds like to lie in the sun.

Rocky will often take a favoured toy along and his “little sister” Rosie likes to snuggle up.

However, Rosie is quite aware of what a pushover Rocky is …….. He really is very gentle with her!

So she squirms in a little closer to his toy …..

…… Manages to move it, just a little, in her direction ……

Rocky, not being daft and being fully aware of her little tricks, starts to realise that he’s been duped again!

Rosie on the other hand, thinking she’s been really crafty, carries on with her “remove the toy from Rocky” ploy!

Rocky looks on in fascination as she gets ready to complete her manoeuvre …….

…… The deed is done and as Rosie settles in to enjoy the fruits of her labour, Rocky leaves her to it and settles down for a little snooze (his second favourite pastime). What a lovely lad he is!!

As Rosie has done so well with her very short trips in the car recently (not been car sick) – we decided to take them on an expedition – A whole five miles away …. Further onto the plain to take a walk to our favourite watering hole.
Unfortunately this turned out to be a trip too far for Rosie ….. But once again the joy and enjoyment she got from the trip far outweighed her short discomfort.

So we proceeded to walk towards our goal.

Getting nearer, and away from the wooded area (full of deer), we let our hounds off the lead. Rocky knew exactly where we were going and started to run ahead …..

“Come on Rosie …. This is going to be great”!!!!!

Is Rocky happy to be here?

Just look at that smile!!

Rosie had a beaming smile herself.

Rocky got straight down to snorkelling practice (without the snorkel)!

Then a spot of wading …..

…… Then it was time for happy chasing ……

….. What fun they had!!!

These activities tend to lead to “Bouncy Otterhoundness”!!

See what I mean?

Rocky spots a nice bit of well watered grass ….

Mmmmm ….. Delicious!!

There is lot’s for an Otterhound to do here.

There’s chasing with sticks ….

….. Or just chasing!

You don’t even have to stay around the pool for that game.

There is “retrieve the big stick from the water” game …..

….. With a really big stick it doesn’t have to be a solitary game either ….

…… “Here, let me help you Rocky” …….

…… “Uuugh! You’re right Rocky; it doesn’t taste very nice does it”!!!!

However, Rocky finds a more acceptable stick to play this game with.

There’s the run and jump game ….. This one needs a bit of working up to …..

However, before the game gets going properly Rosie’s attention is directed elsewhere …….

“What ya found Rosie”? “Oooh, this does smell interesting” ……. Got by the scenting bones again!!

“If I dig a bit here we may find the source of this lovely smell”!

“Am I there yet”?

“Nope I don’t think so” …..

“Wow this is hard work and where did Rosie go”?

“Left me to do all the hard work then”!!

Just as Rocky had decided to give up ….. Not one for hard work our Rocky ….. His attention is caught by something else …..

A new playmate!!!

This one likes the water though, and not just to paddle in!

“Is he going to stay in there all day Rocky or will he come out and play”?

“Excuse me, are you going to come out and play”?

Well he does, and what fun they have.

They play “chase the stick” ……

….. Then chase each other ….

….. Then he completely baffles our hounds …..

“What is he doing”??
“Err, for some bizarre reason he seems to be rolling in the grass”!!!

“Rocky …. Why has he gone back in the water”???

This dog seems to completely baffle our hounds ….. He seems to like so many things our two just don’t get!!!

Anyway, many games are indulged in and then Rosie meets a friend of her own.

They get on really well and the new friend is very gentle with Rosie.

All four get together and introduce themselves ……

And before long all four are having the time of their lives!!

We did eventually take them home and after such a wonderful afternoons expedition, bedtime couldn’t come soon enough for some!

Sleep well Rosie ….

…… Night night Rocky, dream of watery fun and games.