Sunday 5 October 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: A growing pack and loads to enjoy!

Life for our hero (as for all of us), is an ever changing event. Rocky has enjoyed another full week and has developed another Otterhoundly quirky habit - but more of that later ...........

First lets see how he has adapted to an ever growing pack ....................??

Rocky's pack now consists of "Mum and Dad" (that's me and hubby), a very old - and a bit moody - cat called Biskitt; and the newest addition .... little Mij (an unerringly cute kitten)!

Rocky, being a well bred Otterhound, has of course learned his place in the pack - with two feline's in the house he comes about ....................... bottom!!

But that is OK; Rocky is quite happy - as it means he doesn't have any responsibilities except being himself ................. And that means being a cheeky, cute and very funny pup!! What could be better?!

His diary of events for this week contained another meeting with all his pals at the dog training class ............ It still amuses us that he will perform perfectly at class but at home all is dependant on his mood at the time! So Otterhound!! He is his own dog and home life for him consists of doing what and how he wishes. This does not mean we are living with an anarchist - as Otterhounds are very amiable and generally aim to pleaase. It simply means that some commands are "unheard" (?!) if there is a more interesting scent or more fun available in what he is already doing .................. just think "eternal child" and you will probably be very close!

His favourite part of his classes is the bit where everyone goes in the middle to meet everyone else.
Rocky always meets his pals with great enthusiasm.

Rocky also gets attention and fusses from his favourite pack leader ....... that'll be "dad" then!

He likes the "DOWN" bit 'cause he's a hound and it's one of his favourite positions.

He's also keen on the "stay" bit ........ Yes, you've guessed it ........... Because he can stay laying down!

Alongside the hard work of paying attention to what "dad" says, Rocky also gets to play (which is another of his favourite things).
Rocky loves his training club and has a jolly good howl in the car the moment he realises where he is going. I'm not sure if that is because he recognises views from the car or whether it is the smells; but he always knows. Clever Otterhound!!

Rocky's expedition this week was going for a lovely walk, in the warn drizzling weather, with his friend Molly.

"I like this place Molly - lots of new and exciting smells"!!

Rocky was also taken with the amount of conkers that were laying amongst the autumn leaves. He often had to play catch up because he had stopped to play with a conker!

See what I mean?

He also thoroughly enjoyed pouncing on sounds and smells in the long grass - you haven't lived until you have seen a large hairy dog rear up on his hind legs and pounce like a cat on something interesting in the grass!
He hasn't caught anything by this method yet - but is quite enthusiastic with the practice!!

Rocky and Molly's walk was wonderfully varied - there was long and short grass ..............

Enclosed paths to run into ............

And out of ....................

And big fields to charge about in. ............ You can tell by the look on thier faces (previous picture) how much they enjoyed it!

His fun lasted even longer as we retired back to Molly's house for fun and games!
"Hello, what's this? Oooh!! Molly's still here - Yippee"!!!

"Look what I've got Rocky ...... Wanna play"?

"Aw, come on - It'll be fun"!!

"OK - let's wrestle"!!

"Not your style? OK, let's cuddle"!

After various entertaining types of play and cuteness we had to come home .........
Every picture tells a story they say - guess this one says he got kinda tired and slept like a baby!

Rocky spent a lot of time in the garden this week.
He spent time with his bone and time playing with the toys nature provides - (click on the picture to see how much joy he gets out of it)! How can he grin with that in his mouth?!

Rocky seems to find joy in everything he does ............
And if he's in any way bored, there is always his new playmate to wake up for a game .............

Watching Rocky with a tiny kitten is amazing - he is big enough to swallow her without chewing, but is as gentle as a lamb with her!

Testament to this is the fact that not only is Mij unafraid of him, she will also go and ask him for a game!

He tickles her belly and grooms her as if she were his own.
This is usually fine, but, his tendancy to try this when he has just had a drink leaves her looking as if she has just climbed out of a swimming pool ............. the only time she runs off after his attentions!

Ah Yes, the Otterhoundly quirky habit ...........
Rocky has taken to stealing Mij's toys whenever he gets the chance!
He doesn't chew hard like he does with his own toys - he gently holds them in his mouth and waits for her to spot it. She hasn't done yet and the toys are usually relinquished into our hands on asking; but I am dying to see what happens if she does realise (so is Rocky I think)!

At the end of the week and the end of an evenings play our hero does what he does best of all ..............
Night night Rocky - Happy dreams!

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