Sunday 3 August 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Rocky’s Holiday …………. And Mollie came too!

Last week saw Rocky having a holiday in Cornwall and he was lucky enough to have his family and Mollie and her family with him. We stayed in a cottage about a mile up the valley from a tiny Hamlet in a bay on the north Cornish coast and Mollie and her family had a cottage there too. There is the National Trust Coastal Path which runs all along the coast and we made good use of it. The scenery was spectacular and I wish there were space to show you more of the scenic photo’s but this is Rocky’s blog; I hope I can give you a small taste of the beauty of the place anyway.

This weeks blog will be rather longer than usual, I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Rocky was a little perturbed by all the hullaballoo of packing and getting all that may be needed into the car. He was curious but found it all a little tiring, so he stayed alert but rested what he could …………. That will be his head then!

This was our home for the week, a converted blacksmiths shop ……… small but perfectly formed!

It had a lovely garden with a stream running down the side and it was perfect for dogs to have fun in. Rocky was remarkably good about the tiny wall and gate. Otterhounds can leap 6ft fences apparently but, due to the fact that we made an effort to always enter and exit by opening the gate, Rocky never left the garden even though he could have just stepped over the gate! What a good Otterhound!!

Rocky and Mollie had many happy hours playing in that garden and we could relax knowing they were not about to run off into the lane that passed the cottage. What good dogs!!

We walked down the valley to the beach where there was a little café that sold the most delicious clotted cream ice cream. Rocky approved of the taste and enjoyed one or two of his own over the course of the week.

The next day we congregated to undertake our first coastal path walk. We left the cars at a tiny car park and after Rocky and Mollie finished playing “cats cradle” with the leads, set off for a glorious walk!

The scenery was to die for and, although a hot day, the coastal breeze was cool which made it perfect for a walk.

Rocky loved sniffing among the heather and gorse and the cliffs were adorned with their beautiful colours.

We took frequent stops to give the dogs some water, and in safe areas and places without farm animals Mollie and Rocky went off the lead. They enjoyed the walking so much that they forgot all about playing (their usual state when together) – a good thing as much of the path was very close to the edge of the cliffs. They coped wonderfully though and had the time of their lives!

We walked on enjoying the day and the obvious pleasure the dogs were having.

Eventually we came closer to our destination, passing waterfalls off the cliff and climbing some extraordinary twists and turns and rise and falls of the coastline.

We arrived at another small seaside hamlet and stopped for some lunch and refreshment. Rocky and Mollie rested in the shade but were still energetic enough to show interest in our choice of lunches!

After lunch Rocky and Mollie played in the river that flowed to the tiny harbour. Mollie tried to show Rocky what fun swimming was but our hero kept doggedly to his choice of paddling.

Eventually we moved to a green and pleasant walk above the village where Rocky enjoyed the view of the harbour.

Despite there being plenty of shade by the bench us poor tired humans were on, Rocky preferred the sunshine and the views from the edge of the lane.

Areas where we had to keep the leads on the dogs did not deter Rocky and Mollie’s enjoyment of their day.

“What shall we do now”?

“I know - lets play”!!

“Our humans look a bit tired you know”

“Come to think of it, I’m a bit bushed as well ………..”

“A quick snooze will probably do us the world of good too”!!!!!

Back home the evenings saw many a happy hour for our four legged hero’s. Any opportunity for play is not to be wasted you know; quite a good philosophy to have if you think about it …………. Clever dogs!!

The next day saw us all resting up and taking full advantage of the hot weather.

The garden was the place to be ………

Rocky was a gentleman when Mollie decided she liked what Rocky was playing with more than her plaything. He just sat and watched with a perplexed look on his face ……… gentle Otterhound!

They played for a long time but took breaks to laze in the shade from time to time. Have you noticed that you never have to remind a dog to find some shade when they are hot? Obviously they are not dead set on having a tan – Mmmm, who’s the higher order mammal here??

Another day, another trip out. We took Rocky to Bude to see if he would like swimming in the sea. He appreciated the river than ran to the sea ………

He appreciated the view as the river blended with the sea …………

He appreciated the new friends he made on the shore ………

He even appreciated his new friend’s skill at swimming …………

But he still only paddled!!!!

“This smells funny ………. It doesn’t smell like the water I paddle in at home" …………..

“Goody another new friend, lets play!!!”

“Don’t go in there it smells funny you know!!”

“See what I mean? It does smell funny doesn’t it?”

“Yes well, this thing called sea is all well and good to look at …….. But you are not getting me in there!!!!”

So Rocky never swam in the sea!

Back at the holiday cottage ……….. The river that runs past the cottage continues on down to the sea. In between there are some lovely lush fields (starting a mere 50 yards from our cottage) and Rocky and Mollie loved to play in them. They alternated between tearing around the field and paddling in the river.

Rocky did learn a new water sport on his holiday …………… Snorkelling!

He would bob his nose under the water ………………..

Then he would triumphantly pull out a rock!!

Clever Otterhound!!

Then there was the running …………

And the resting ……………..

Then there was making new friends ………….. Rocky’s good at that!!

Then, of course, making more new friends …………… Mollie and Rocky met so many new pals ………… it was great!!

We went to visit Tintagel Castle on a colder, windier day. So first stop was for coffee – here Rocky charmed a host of people and even had his photo taken so “folks back home” could see him! What an attractive Otterhound!!

Up on top of the cliff in the castle ruins there was plenty for Rocky to see.

He even managed to make new friends here too!

We told him to look for Merlin’s Cave ……….

There it is!!

We climbed ever higher looking around the castle.

It was rather windy atop this cliff ………. Rocky looked all windswept and beautiful!

After a while though Rocky got bored and started to look for Mollie.

You can guess what they did when he found her?!! Yes, they played and played and played!!

That evening we decided to give them both a break and a little time to catch up with their rest. So Rocky played with his doggy instead.

Rocky had some time in the field on his own, running and skipping and jumping …….

He played in the river ……….

And just when he was running out of things to do …………..

One of his new friends came out to play …………

Rocky was so delighted with this ………… What a bouncy Otterhound!!

“Get off – you’re tickling me”

“Ooh that tickling makes me laugh”!!

What fun these pals had – they got on like a house on fire!!

The next day we decided on another walk along the coastal path.

Lots of steep hills to go up and down ………. Doggy heaven!

A stop in the valley to check the map ………. “Hurry up mum; I want to get going again”!!

It seemed we had to climb this cliff along this steep path and then go across the top!?

What a steep path, was it difficult for our doggy hero’s …………..?

No! ………….. Rocky climbed it like a mountain goat and kept looking back to see what was taking me so long!!

Along the ridge we went ………

Rocky wasn’t quite tall enough to catch the wonderful view, he didn’t know what he was missing!

A brief stop for watering the dogs before heading down through the woods.

A short rest before rejoining the coastal path …………. It was for us really, the dogs didn’t seem to need it!!

Rocky and Mollie waited along the path while the ladies caught up with them ………… well it was a hilly climb!!!

Then it was back down to the seafront for another ice cream! What a perfect trip out!!

Our last day on holiday was a wet one, so while Mollie and her family went to look round a grand house we took Rocky for a lovely walk through the forest.

“Daddy” found a great stick to play with ………..

Rocky thought it was more of a dog toy and played “catch it” with “dad”.

Rocky won, of course!

Eventually it was time to return to the cottage and although Rocky understood, he did look a little sad to be leaving such a lovely place,

The morning we left we gave Rocky a game in the fields,

He was able to say goodbye to some of his new friends.

We Stopped at the “Jamaica Inn” on Bodmin Moor on the way back …………

The Jolly Roger was flying well in the wind – Daphne Du Maurier would have been proud!

Then a little time on the moor itself for games and walking.

Rocky and Mollie played and relaxed in the sunshine (between the showers of course)!

Then it was time for goodbyes ………

Home again at last, Rocky did seem to appreciate the sofa’s once again!

It had been a wonderful holiday for all of us …………… But my enduring memory will be the pleasure that Rocky and Molly got from going on holiday with a friend!

What a lucky Otterhound!!

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