Monday, 31 March 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Even the bad weeks are good ………

This week hasn’t been so good for Rocky, we have had long days of rain, more rain, freezing winds and then some rain. As a result nothing particularly spectacular or even interesting has happened for Rocky …………..

That is until the weekend …………. One of his favourite people came home for a weekend from Uni!!! Oooh he was pleased to see him!!!

However being a student, his visitor was very keen on staying horizontal!!
Rocky had other ideas ………..

Aw come on, come and play with me …………. Or I might just try and find out how you taste – oh yes ………I can give a mean licking when I want to !!!!!!

It worked!!

Luckily Sunday saw some beautiful weather …. So me and he decided to give Rocky a great adventure on the plain! We have heard rumours of a hidden lake somewhere nearby so set off to intrepidly (?) explore for it!! Of course Rocky had to have some games on the way.

We walked in the general direction of where we had been told and came across a shallow river, we thought at first that is was rain collected in low lying ground but there was evidence of a current in the water, so we set off travelling upstream to try and find the lake. As you can see Rocky was happy to play in the water …….. for the first time ever ……….. how exciting!!

The hotter the day became the happier Rocky was to play in the water. It wasn’t deep enough to swim in but we did find great promise in the fact that he wasn’t (after all) afraid of water – just choosy as to what type of weather he went into it in! That to me seems very sensible.

We did find that the longer we walked alongside the river the more Rocky went into the water. He did have such fun ………… even ignoring another couple of dogs going past in the distance!! I’d like to think that that was due to the training I have been trying to give him, but I think realistically it probably had more to do with the fact that he was enjoying himself.

The river flowed right through a small grove of trees; it was here that we decided to stop for a little while. Rocky was left to explore as he wished, and he certainly made the most of it!! He was quite the adventurer, charging here, sniffing there and wading as much as possible ………. What good fun for an Otterhound!!

Of course, we had fun too! It was a lovely warm spot with the sun beating down through the trees, a gentle breeze carrying the sounds of the skylarks and a young dog having the time of his life!!

Like all good things it had to come to an end, it was time to head back to the car. We hadn’t managed to find the secret lake but we had found a beautiful spot and had a lovely time. Rocky was tired, although he wouldn’t admit it and he had plenty of time to dry off as we headed back.

We eventually got home and Rocky, still excited and happy, was keen to engage his visitor in more playing. He grabbed his new dinosaur toy and tried to entice a game ……… but the student was tired and so was Rocky, he just didn’t know it!!

Within 2 minutes of the last photo being taken ……….. Our intrepid hero was fast asleep! In his favoured position!!

Still can’t help thinking of “Otterhounds in the wild” when I see him sleep!!!

Monday, 24 March 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Fun, Sea salt and I know where the kindest Bunnie in the world lives!!

What a week for a young Otterhound!! He has had so much fun and travels, Rocky really likes it when Mum and Dad are off work!!

He has had several trips to the plain for a nice long walk, has seen his first Deer (close up and Running) – Like any good Otterhound Rocky watched it come, watched it pass and watched it go …………….. didn’t bat an eyelid, just watched and wondered!!

Talking of wondering – Rocky heard a loud popping noise and was a little perturbed! Daddy was playing with something in the kitchen ……….

What was that? Do I want it?

Yes, if Daddy can play with it I want it too!! Please can I have it??

It’s something called “Bubble wrap” (?), apparently if you squeeze it hard you get a funny popping sound ………… what fun!!

Needless to say, a young Otterhound can have great fun with this, he chomped and squeezed and pounced until there were no pops left ………… then he lost interest and wandered away to see what else he could get up to.

For Rocky’s big explore this week he went to the sea side, to see the sea for the first time!! What excitement ………… he was completely blown away by walking on sand!! First he sniffed, then he pawed, then he started bouncing …….. What a bouncy Otterhound we had!!

Daddy and I were so excited about showing him the sea, we called and cajoled him over to the shore as soon as we could ………….. A few sniffs and a bemused “what’s this” look …………

Then it was down to what Rocky really enjoys ……… NEW FRIENDS!!!
It doesn’t matter what size they are, playmates are so much fun! Off they ran, this way and that way ………… near the water and away again with such big smiles on their faces ……….. lovely!

We finally got to walk on a little further ………. Rocky was like a spring lamb, jumping and pouncing and running around.

Then we all stopped while Rocky and another new friend had a game. Rocky didn’t have the speed that some of his new friends had but that never stopped him having fun ………… if they zoomed off in a certain direction he would mimic their twists and turns from a slight distance (having failed to keep up with them) and of course his friend would Zoom back to him ………. ‘cause playing together is much more fun!!

Mum and Dad found some sand dunes to sit among while they had a cup of coffee ………. So Rocky played peek-a-boo!!

While playing in the dunes Rocky met a lovely young Gordon Setter and bought her back to meet us!

Then they both investigated the dunes close by while having a smashing game ………… It was fun, fun, fun, all the way – a perfect day for a young Otterhound really!!

After that it was back over the headland. Although Rocky had shown very little interest in the sea (Dad is still a little dismayed as he wants to see Rocky swimming!), there was still a wealth of sea salt in the air ………… it was also blowing a gale but Rocky didn’t mind!!

Even up here Rocky made friends, it may not have been a good day for picnics but it was certainly a good dog walking day ………..

Rocky even took time to appreciate the view from the headland! What a cultured chap we are raising!!

This weekend has seen the Easter festival ………… to us it’s a celebration of the arrival of Spring, and what does spring mean???? It means baby animals, warmer weather and Bunnies …………… One Bunny in particular ……….. The Easter Bunny!!

And I know where the kindest Bunnie in the world lives!! It lives very near where Rocky lives ………… How do I know?? I know because not only did he remember the people in our house, he also left a cocoa free egg for Rocky and Biskitt!! How’s that for the kindest Easter Bunnie??!! We certainly are lucky ………. Thank you Easter Bunnie – from all of us!!

Rocky watched in anticipation as Daddy unwrapped his egg for him ………..

Then broke off a piece for him …………..

He positively drooled when this piece headed his way ………

Then there was this gorgeous taste in his mouth ………….. and boy didn’t he appreciate that!!! LOVELY!!!

So what does a young Otterhound do after a week like this??

He curls up all comfy like and goes to sleep!! Night Night Rocky!

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: Sleepovers and puzzles

Well it’s been a week of almost non stop rain, but dogs don’t seem to care, do they? At least Rocky doesn’t. He can still be hesitant (even reluctant) to go out in it, but on the whole it doesn’t get him down. Especially if there is something going on to make waking up sometime during the week worthwhile.

He is of course still growing; he is now big enough to rest his chin on the dining room table when stood up. What does that mean to us? Well for starters it means that he can have a jolly good go at making us feel guilty for not setting a place for him when eating a meal!! Those who say that dogs do not have facial expressions have not really looked at a dog have they? Particularly when food is around there are a huge variety of facial expressions aimed directly at you …………… there’s the “I really, really love you” look ………. The “do you realise just how starved I am?” look ………. The “I am just a puppy who needs your care and attention “ look and the “you must realise that if I don’t get any of your food NOW I will probably expire in the next few minutes” look, to name but a few. We have had to resort to the shutting him in another room tactic when eating at the table; not only to dissuade him from begging but also in order to preserve our enjoyment of a meal. I wish I could perfect some of those expressions ………. I’m sure my life would have been entirely different if I’d had those talents!!!

Rocky has a new game that he is very pleased with! Having accepted that he is not the alpha male, doesn’t have to make decisions or feed every one; he has decided that all of life must be a game.

His newest one is “drag the human home at the end of a walk” ………………. Last thing at night Rocky tends to be taken around the block, it means you can keep to where there are streetlights, but it also means that Rocky has got to know when we are on the way home; very well. Consequently after the last bend in the road he does a quick turn around, grabs the lead firmly between his teeth and starts pulling you home! Haven’t quite worked out if it’s because he wants to go to bed or if he just likes getting his own back? But whichever it is, he loves it and seems to get quite a kick out of it. Funny dog!!

Rocky’s collection of toys (including the bits of toys left after having had a good gnawing) has become so large he has now got his own toy box. We had been trying to keep several toys back so that we could introduce some if he became bored with what he had; but this is much better. Rocky seems to get such enjoyment at digging around in his box and deciding which one to get out for a game. At times he is so picky that he just about climbs in, moves every thing about and drags out something from the very bottom. Having achieved this feat of scrupulous choosiness he prances about like the cat that got the cream (if you will excuse the analogy)! Who’d have thought dogs suffered from pride???

On Thursday we had a surprise for Rocky, he was going to have a sleepover with two of his friends!! We told him just before teatime and he was so overcome with excitement that he spent ages looking for them ……………… Couldn’t really help him out there, as he can’t tell the time we couldn’t give him and ETA!!

The first of his friends to turn up was Daisy, a little older and bigger (if that’s the right term for a Basset?) and they seemed very pleased to see each other. It did of course turn into a free for all playtime!!!

There was the obligatory game of tag around the coffee table. This was very funny this visit as Daisy has become very playful and fairly whizzed around the table in her flumpety way!! Rocky, being an Otterhound thought he would catch her out by stopping every now and then, turning to catch her coming towards her. However, along with everything else, Daisy has developed a bit more manoeuvrability and fairly dodged her way under his legs - doing a well timed flip back and headed the other way just as Rocky popped his head down for some face catching!!

You’d have thought that Daisy was at a bit of a disadvantage, being the smaller dog (by far)!? However, I think she had all the advantages this visit. She was particularly taken with Rocky’s hairy face and found great delight in Jumping up and grabbing jaw full’s of his beard. Plus, of course, she still has her puppy teeth which must have been a bit sore when she grabbed a mouthful of his jowls!! However, Rocky was a complete Otterhound and never got ratty or fed up. In fact they just played and played like they had been together forever. Lovely!!

Daisy was very cute with some of her antics and we all had such a laugh, even Rocky ………… again with the facial expressions!!!

Rocky and Daisy even continued to play before setting off for a walk together ……….. before the leads went on of course. You could almost believe they were talking to each other???!!!!!

Later his friend Sparky turned up as well, wow, so much fun ahead!! Sparky of course was quite happy to sit and watch the youngsters play …………… nothing Rocky said or did could persuade him to join in.

But he seemed quite content and the youngsters kept stopping to spend time with him. Daisy was not above using Rocky as a stepping stone for seeing Sparky, mind you Rocky didn’t seem the least bit bothered!

Daisy took a fancy to Rocky’s toy box as well, pretty funny seeing this little love jumping, scrabbling and mountaineering in order to get something that had caught her eye in the box. The fact that it was almost as big as she was, was not a drawback ……….. must be a hound dog thing!?

While things were quiet for a moment Rocky thought he would try and get a quick bit of down time ……….. Daisy was having none of it! She went for the sneak attack ………. then it was back to the fun and games!

Rocky tried the “but I’m supposed to be safe up here” tactic on the sofa but ………. To no avail ………….. it was game on again and what fun they had!!

The rest of the night was spent sleeping and in the morning they had a quick game and a walk until all went thier separate ways - and humans went to work. But Rocky has had some lovely howls in his sleep since then as he replayed all the fun and games.

Rocky has had his usual longer explore this weekend on the plain. He really has such a good time, he explores and runs and trots and explores. He hardly notices the weather as long as he is having fun; and that’s how it should be isn’t it? Life is for living they say and he certainly does!

Lastly, while watching Rocky sleep, we sometimes have a really good giggle ……….. you are sat there watching this big hairy baby sleep and wondering to yourself ……….. “How would Otterhounds get on in the wild”?? Looking at Rocky ………… it’s a conundrum!!

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Rocky the Otterhound: So Many New Creatures!

Rocky has had a couple of fun outings this week. We have had some glorious sunshine (bitter cold winds though) and he has spent a good deal of time out of doors. Some of his usual walks have lasted longer and he has helped us enjoy our good weather.

He has also found a new way of sitting comfortably (?). He is not fully grown yet but can perform this apparent feat of hilarity already. I know I am not a dog but I fail to see how this is comfortable, especially as he tends to droop forward and downwards as his little puppy eyes close and sleep comes over him! It always ends up waking him with a start, then he kind of slides inelegantly off the sofa and sleeps on the floor with a huge sigh!

Inevitably, after sleeping on the floor for a short while he awakes (barely) and looks around for the sofa with the most room (and cushions) on and staggers up onto it for a more comfortable snooze.

There is a garden centre close by which allows (well behaved) dogs to accompany their owners for a tour round the facilities to choose what they want to buy. So of course we took Rocky! It is a very exciting place for a young Otterhound and the focus of the first of Rocky’s outings this week.

There is the chance to meet new friends …………….

There are so many marvels to investigate like …………….
Bunnies!!! These funny fluffy moving about things had Rocky routed to the spot, he thought they were great!!!
He wanted to hug them and squeeze them and love them ………….. but settled for a good long quizzical look!!

Then there was this strange zoomy creature (apparently called a lizard?) Rocky couldn’t quite work out if he wanted to hug it and squeeze it or just run away. He wasn’t exactly scared of it, nor was he keen to catch it ………. He was more perturbed by the fact that as soon as he started to look away it moved (quite fast). This inevitably caught his eye and we were back to a standoff between Rocky and the lizard. Fortunately for us (or we could have been there all day!) something else caught his eye and we were able to move off.
Well, I said caught his eye ……….. I think I should have said caught his ears! There were aviaries close by and for some reason (and all of a sudden) there was a cacophony of sound emanating from that direction!!

We just had to go and have a look at what was causing this sound. Rocky was very eager to get there and spent quite a while sat in front of the cages with his head leaning from one side to the other.

Then there was this Oh So Cute …… tiny little painted quail that seemed to be as fascinated by Rocky as he was by the birds. It came up to get a better look, and Rocky got a better look too; and you could tell by his face that he wanted to ………….. hug it and squeeze it and love it! We were stuck there for quite a while but I think Rocky appreciated our patience.

Then we arrived at the famous “pool of the tickly carp”!! These wonderful fish enjoy a good tickle and to everyone’s amusement, they will suck your fingers if you dangle them in the water. We have spent many visits by this pond and the children grew up knowing what it felt like to have their dinky fingers sucked by a big fish!

Rocky got quite excited by the goings on around the pool and stood up on the wall with much shuffling of back feet and whimpers of the “I want to play” variety.
Unfortunately though, due to this young Otterhounds inexplicable dislike of water he never did pluck up the courage to dip his nose in and say hello!!

In amongst all this excitement we did manage to have a look around for what we had gone there to buy, although Rocky seemed a little disappointed that we didn’t want to buy a particular fountain for the garden. He seemed quite taken with it for some reason (probably because it did not have any water in it at the time).

Oh yes, and before we left Rocky met yet another new friend!! I think the shop is on to a winner as you do tend to spend far more time there if you have your dog with you! I think on the whole it is comparable with taking your children to the same place ……………. Thinking back, that tended to prolong the shopping trip too!!

This weeks trip out was a mystery tour for Rocky. We didn’t let on to him, but being young and curious he tried to work out where we were going by the scents he passed along the way ………….. At least I think that was what he was doing ………… surely he can’t just enjoy having the wind in his hair (so to speak) ……….. after all he gets all nibbly and “don’t do that” if you just blow on him!!

Anyway, we ended up taking him green laneing. There is much land that people generally don’t get to see in Britain, this is land that the farmers tend. However there are very many green lanes around (which don’t get used as much as they should), and a walk along these can offer you the opportunity to see a hidden Britain. The best of the country really as there is no concrete and loads of rolling countryside that is quite beautiful. We thought Rocky would enjoy it as much as us anyway!

Every now and then the lane would open up to reveal fields full of new shoots or ancient woodland. Rocky was having a wonderful time as scents, of all sorts of creatures, were every where. However, he was so busy sniffing around he totally missed the sight of two mad March Hares tearing across the lane and off into the other field! He would have had to be quick mind, they are apparently the fourth fastest mammals in the world.

Rocky was very well behaved again and frequently stopped to check we were close by. He bounced about like a baby horse (as usual), although, we do believe he is almost able to control all of his legs at the same time now ………. They are tending to all go in the same direction (mostly)!

We certainly had the best of the day, lots of lovely sunshine and the hedgerows kept the worst of the wind off. How do you know when it’s time to head for home …………. When your young Otterhound comes back to a call looking like this!! He had had a wonderful time and was ready to go home after a big drink.

Can you guess what he did when he got home?

Slept like a baby!!