That is until the weekend …………. One of his favourite people came home for a weekend from Uni!!! Oooh he was pleased to see him!!!
However being a student, his visitor was very keen on staying horizontal!!
Rocky had other ideas ………..
Rocky had other ideas ………..
Aw come on, come and play with me …………. Or I might just try and find out how you taste – oh yes ………I can give a mean licking when I want to !!!!!!
It worked!!
Luckily Sunday saw some beautiful weather …. So me and he decided to give Rocky a great adventure on the plain! We have heard rumours of a hidden lake somewhere nearby so set off to intrepidly (?) explore for it!! Of course Rocky had to have some games on the way.
We walked in the general direction of where we had been told and came across a shallow river, we thought at first that is was rain collected in low lying ground but there was evidence of a current in the water, so we set off travelling upstream to try and find the lake. As you can see Rocky was happy to play in the water …….. for the first time ever ……….. how exciting!!
The hotter the day became the happier Rocky was to play in the water. It wasn’t deep enough to swim in but we did find great promise in the fact that he wasn’t (after all) afraid of water – just choosy as to what type of weather he went into it in! That to me seems very sensible.
We did find that the longer we walked alongside the river the more Rocky went into the water. He did have such fun ………… even ignoring another couple of dogs going past in the distance!! I’d like to think that that was due to the training I have been trying to give him, but I think realistically it probably had more to do with the fact that he was enjoying himself.
The river flowed right through a small grove of trees; it was here that we decided to stop for a little while. Rocky was left to explore as he wished, and he certainly made the most of it!! He was quite the adventurer, charging here, sniffing there and wading as much as possible ………. What good fun for an Otterhound!!
Of course, we had fun too! It was a lovely warm spot with the sun beating down through the trees, a gentle breeze carrying the sounds of the skylarks and a young dog having the time of his life!!
Like all good things it had to come to an end, it was time to head back to the car. We hadn’t managed to find the secret lake but we had found a beautiful spot and had a lovely time. Rocky was tired, although he wouldn’t admit it and he had plenty of time to dry off as we headed back.
We eventually got home and Rocky, still excited and happy, was keen to engage his visitor in more playing. He grabbed his new dinosaur toy and tried to entice a game ……… but the student was tired and so was Rocky, he just didn’t know it!!
Within 2 minutes of the last photo being taken ……….. Our intrepid hero was fast asleep! In his favoured position!!
Still can’t help thinking of “Otterhounds in the wild” when I see him sleep!!!
Still can’t help thinking of “Otterhounds in the wild” when I see him sleep!!!