Sunday 30 September 2007

Rocky the Otterhound: Otterhounds don't play fetch?

I was told by an Otterhound breeder that Otterhounds are not right for training classes because they are problem solvers, they do things thier own way which is generally quicker and takes less effort, but still gives the same result. It apparently doesn't take them but a few tries at something for them to work out an easier way of doing things, or if in fact it is worth doing at all! I was also told that they will certainly not play fetch as they are trackers not gundogs (made sense to me).

This week however, I have been playing with Rocky (as usual) but trying new things in order to stimulate him. He has a ball that when rolled around will despense puppy treats, this is kept strictly for when he is left alone in the house. I have slowly built the times up on this and he now goes 4 hours without a problem. However, it does take the wind out of your sails when you get the impression that your dog can't wait for you to get your coat on and go so that he can have the ball! Doesn't even want his goodbye pat and rub! Maybe it's just the mental stimulation he wants????

Anyway, back to the reason for todays title...............He has a favourite toy which he loves to carry around in his mouth, so, in play, I gently took it from him and threw it across the room, shouting "fetch". For my trouble I recieved a look of complete puzzlemenT! not to be out done, I then proceeded to crawl after the toy on my hands and knees making noises as if I was enjoying myself...........still that same look! I tried this two more times (yes, I was alone in the house with him). I was about to give up and retrieve it myself when he started (oh so slowly) towards his toy, he hovered over it for the briefest of times then pounced on it like a cat! He then ran back to me with it in his mouth, a huge grin on his chops and landed squarley in my lap?!

Fascinated I threw the toy several more times and was rewarded with the same result. He has done this now every time I throw one of his toys. I am wondering if he is just humouring me, but he does seem to enjoy it! I don't understand the stalking and pouncing bit though, unless he and Biskitt (our cat) are discussing tactics when I am asleep (very doubtful as they are still not best mates). Watching him reminds me of those nature programmes where the lioness creeps up on an impala, it does seem an unusual thing for a dog to do?!

On the back of this I thought that I may take him to puppy training classes soon (as long as he enjoys it) and do some more experimenting, he may have more surprises that will increase my knowledge of how Otterhounds behave at home?

Apart from eating and cuddles, one of Rocky's favourite things is sleeping, especially if I am doing other things that don't directly involve him. Yes, he is a couch potatoe, but when there is no one else in the room he is also a bed potatoe.................

In fact sometimes he is just a potatoe!!

He still does little squeeky puppy howls in his sleep, something I hope he doesn't losses as it amuses absolutely everyone

Rocky is growing into quite a handsome young dog and everyone we meet asks what breed he is.
He still hasn't got total control over his legs yet but remained the most gentle of play mates at his last puppy party! He came home with a certificate for passing the sessions (?!) and a new toy........he was happy.

He has had his first week of being allowed out on his lead and has behaved very well, he especially likes being driven up onto the plain and being taken for an explore of the area. We are out of the car for only 20-30 minutes, a lot of which is spent with him sat down and contemplating his new surroundings (Rocky appears big on sitting back and contemplating) but he seems to love it. A bonus from this has been that he will now happily tolerate 10-15 minutes of car journey (to and from a walk) and loves his own personal doggy seat belt, it allows him to sit close enough to the open window to get that special windswept look, without allowing his head to hang out of the car.

A spin off from this appears to be an increase in his curiosity, even the camera is worth an inspection. He has no trace of timidity and, as long as one of us are with him, will happily sniff, watch or taste almost anything in order to understand his new world.

However, today I took him to meet the first thing I have been unable to encourage and excite him about. Driving home we passed a field of cows and I thought AHA! A FIELD OF COWS (nothing gets past me)! An ideal opportunity for socialisation.

We were lucky enought to encounter one of the more curious of cows in the field, but I think Rocky was a little overawed by its size (I don't think it was the smell, although that was a bit ripe!). He usually quite happily climbs onto my lap but this brought on a full frontal hug with head over the shoulder looking the other way, etc. It is early days yet and he is still a little one, so I guess we will go back again another day and have another go with lots more enthusiasm and comfort.

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