Sunday, 7 February 2010

Rocky the Otterhound: This weeks expressions are .......

This weeks blog is only short but there is another YouTube video to see if you want to ..... It's called Otterhound wrestling (Rocky and Rosie's favourite game)! It is short but shows the tactics that Rosie employs to ensure she usually wins at this game!!

So anyway, this weeks blog is a few photographs to illustrate some of the expressions our hounds can show on their beautiful faces; these have all happened this week when I have been able to get camera and expression synchronised (no mean feat). Some people say that dogs do not feel emotions or show expressions ...... In my opinion these are people who have never had or loved dogs ..... Let's see what I mean!

This is Rocky's "He's having a late night snack and isn't sharing it with me" look!!!

Here we have the "Aww, don't mess with the hair, it looks great 'till you decide to do that, now I don't look cool" expression!!

Here we have Rocky with the "Sigh, there's just not enough room on here for both of us" look!

While Rosie is showing the "Oi, stop shoving you, there's enough room on here for both of us you know" expession!

I have often stated that although Rocky and Rosie have two entirely different characters, they often show identical Otterhound ways ....

Well, here's Rosie with her "Sigh, there's not enough room on here for both of us" expression!!

This is Rosie's "Go away, these are my balloons and I'm not sharing them" look.

Of course, bend down to take them off her and it will turn into the "I was only playing honest, I love you lots you know" expression!!

One of my favourites ..... The "I'm tired and warm and comfy" look.

That's another look that Rocky has an identical Otterhound look for too!

So night night Rocky, sleep well and dream of bunny smells and games with Rosie and Mij!!

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