The first three photo's are blurred as of necessity, but Rocky really wanted to share the daily performance with you.......
Rosie goes through the same thing every meal time .......
The "jump for joy" procedure ... Step 1. Launch
Step 2. Get as high in the air as possible (in order to view what's in your dinner bowl)!
Step 3. Continue to gaze in the bowl as you float majestically back to earth!
No, this performance is not because she is starved!!!
........ And Yes we do feed her more than once a week!!!!
It may well be an Otterhound thing (?) as Rocky used to do the same, until he became too heavy to launch!?
Our terrible twosome have continued to have fun, day and night .......
......... Indoors and out!
"OOPS! I've been rumbled!!!
And if one playmate gets tired and wants to sleep ...... There is always someone else to play with!
At Rocky and Rosie's house you can even get serenaded in the garden ....... What fun!
The main event of the week though, was a welcome walk with friends.
Only Ludo and Daisy joined them this time but Dan was able to come along too, which really pleased Rocky!
Although cloudy, it was warm and the four pals were so pleased to be together for another explore alongside the canal.
As we walked ahead our hero's ceased their welcome game and one by one decided to follow.
Guess who was last to decide he actually wanted to come with us?
"Wait for me, I am coming ...... Honest"!
Daisy laid on the charm for Dan ........ And Dan was charmed ........ Well actually, Daisy was quite charmed too as it happens.
It was a lovely day for a walk and Ludo and Daisy's dad had been the clever one ...... He remembered to bring the treats ........ Unlike Rocky's mum!!!
Rocky, getting a bit cocky and showing off to his friends, had a little accident while going under a bridge ......
...... He appeared to have lost his footing and before any of us knew it ....... he was in the drink!!!!
"Help, help .... I'm in the wet stuff"!!!
We did tell him that if he just stood up he was tall enough to walk to a good getting out place .... But he didn't listen.
We eventually got him past his panic (well, after we'd stopped laughing that is) ...... And encouraged him to swim to a part of the bank where he could climb out!!!!
"Stop laughing, it's not funny"!!
"Now I'm all wet and horrible"!!!
Our hero (with a slightly bruised ego) was given a consolation treat by Ludo and Daisy's dad .....
....... He didn't say no!!
Oh yes, where Rocky goes ...... So goes Rosie!!
A quick dip from the landing site and back out to join the merry band! Wet but ego in tact.
Our hero though was not damaged and proceeded to be a very bouncy Otterhound indeed!
"I love you ..... Can I have another treat ...... I had an accident don't you know"!!!
Fortunately, Ludo and Daisy's dad is wise to dogs and Rocky was disappointed!
His mood undiminished, he trotted on ahead with Rosie enjoying the day.
Meanwhile Daisy, rather taken with our Dan, proceeded to ambush him for a fuss and love whenever she could ....!
Dogs will get enjoyment whenever they can .... Lovely outlook on life don't you think?
The four pals were having a lovely time.
"What's it like in there Rocky"?
"It's cold, wet and in no way as pleasant as other dogs will have you believe"!
We all walked on, enjoying the peace and quiet and continuing to giggle at Rocky's little blunder.
We are very cruel you know!?
"Come on daddy. Keep up"!
Daisy was beginning to take more notice of the water since Rocky's little swim in the canal.
Daisy's "dad" had just finished saying that he was surprised that she hadn't fallen in as well, ......... Considering how much attention she was paying to the canal!
....... There was a splash ( not a big one like Rocky's)! ..........
This was the state of his jeans after hauling Daisy out of the wet!
"Dan, I got wetted ........ Make it all better"!!!
So Dan did.
We thought at one point that Rosie was going to play this new game too ....... But Rosie and Ludo were being sensible this week!
"I was in that you know Rosie"!
"It's quite wet"!
"Poor daddy got all wet saving Daisy".
A little love goes a long way with dogs you know!
Eventually, we headed back. It had been an eventful (but not dangerous) afternoon. Everyone had dried off nicely and we had plenty to giggle about ....... So an all round success then!!!
We said goodbye to Ludo and Daisy at the car park and headed home for tea.
Later that night .......
Night night Rocky, sleep well and dream of your adventure in the shallow wet stuff .......
What a brave boy then!!??!